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Important GoASM questions

Started by ecube, March 27, 2009, 10:06:25 PM

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over the last day i've looked at and his other fabulous articles. And everything looks good in what my primary goal is at the moment, and that's to covert my massive 32bit Masm projects to GoASM 64. I have some questions though

1)Does GoASM allow you to use static link libraries(generated by masm, c++ etc...?)

2)How do you build static link libraries from GoAsm? I saw a "C:\GoAsm\lib\LIB.EXE /OUT:files.lib" reference in donkeys lib, but I can't find LIB.exe anywhere on the sites

3)Donkey mentioned various new COM definitions, can GoAsm build Com components?(.ocx)

4)How in the world do you use the .h's? I've yet to see any example on this

5)would it be possible to create a GOAsm sdk like masm has? with the latest GoASM.exe,Golink, donkeys include files, some docs and some examples all in one place? having to download everything seperate(some of which the new stuff not even being on the website like GoASM is extremely confusing)

6)Has any time been put into creating the .if, .elseif,.else.endif directives? this is the big thing thats holding me back atm, I have over 1 thousand .if, .elseif calls in 1 masm project, so I need these.



Hi E^cube,

1) yes, you can use static libraries.
2) lib.exe is from MASM, you can also use polink.exe
3) Any program can build ocx files, they are simply DLLs
4) GoAsm has no preference for an include extension, just use #include "file.h"
5) Easy Code is a great package and provides a fully integrated environment
6) See the runtime conditionals thread
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