Question regarding cpu type and assembly language in general...

Started by MikeyIckey, February 05, 2009, 07:24:33 PM

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In the first chapter of AoA,  Mr. Hyde begins to explain the basics of how processors work. Which, by the way, is great because it's really why I want to learn assembly, to get down to the very lowest parts of the computer and really understand what's going on when I write code in other languages like C.
Specifically he mentions the Intel 80x86 family. But my computer uses an AMD chip.
My question is; will this change how I have to write general assembly language programs?
I assume it would vary quite a bit if I was doing any kernel mode coding but in general will this effect how I have learn assembly?


AMD is 80/86 compatible.  Some AMD chips offer extended functionality, however few make use of them for compatibility reasons.

It will have no effect at all on how you learn assembly.