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What's wrong with this batch file?

Started by TmX, January 07, 2009, 06:13:06 AM

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I'm writing a batch file for building MASM32 program automatically called mkmasm.bat, like this:

@echo off
set MASM32DIR=C:\masm32
set MASM32BIN=%MASM32DIR%\bin
set MASM32INC=%MASM32DIR%\include
set MASM32LIB=%MASM32DIR%\lib
set ASMFILE = %1
set OBJFILE = %ASMFILE:.asm=.obj%
set EXEFILE = %OBJFILE:.obj=.exe%

%MASM32BIN%/ml.exe /I %MASM32INC% /c /coff /Cp %1
%MASM32BIN%/link.exe /subsystem:console /release /machine:ix86 /libpath:%MASM32LIB% /out:%EXEFILE% %OBJFILE%

And here's the test program, called test.asm:

.model flat,stdcall

option casemap:none


includelib kernel32.lib
includelib user32.lib

MsgBoxText db "Hello world"
MsgCaption db "MASM32"

invoke MessageBox,NULL,offset MsgBoxText,offset MsgCaption,MB_OK
invoke ExitProcess,NULL
end start

Invoking mkmasm test.asm should produce the executable. Instead, it gives me an error message:
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.14.8444
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981-1997.  All rights reserved.

Assembling: test.asm
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 5.12.8078
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1146: no argument specified with option "/out:"

What's wrong, anyway, since typing the command manually gives the correct result...  :dazzled:


What's wrong with passing "test" as the parameter instead of "test.asm"?
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


It's not a good idea to put spaces in a SET command   :wink

set ASMFILE=%1
set OBJFILE=%ASMFILE:.asm=.obj%
set EXEFILE=%OBJFILE:.obj=.exe%


Quote from: jdoe on January 07, 2009, 06:54:31 AM
It's not a good idea to put spaces in a SET command   :wink

Stupid me.  :green
Anyway, thanks for the input. It works.  :U


jdoe: You beat me to it  :U

In all fairness to me, I went looking at "set/?" and got sidetracked...5 pages of (quite interesting) help  :dazzled:
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


i know this is an old thread, but....
i wanted to add "Build" to the right-click context menu for asm files
if i am working on console mode stuff, i don't mind opening a console window
and - i know - in QEditor (et al), the menu option is there
but i wanted it in explorer, too, for working on GUI programs

adding Build to the context menu was simple enough
but i had a little problem with extensions
the batch file expects only the base filename, then adds ".asm", ".obj", ".exe"
explorer wants to pass the entire name

well - a little search on the forum, and i found this thread
i noticed he used batch file text "substition"
well, i came up with one that is slightly different
upon entry, the batch file expands the "%1" parameter as "SomeFile.asm"
set parmfile=%1
set parmfile=%parmfile:~0,-4%

this strips the last 4 characters off the string
now, %parmfile% will expand to "SomeFile", with no period or extension
the beauty is, if you have a file with a base name that has a period, the method still works
"Some.File.asm" will be stripped to "Some.File"
although, not sure if ML or LINK will accept it   :P
also - the 4 characters are stripped, regardless of case - the extension can be ".aSm"

i can probably make it a one-step process by using "%%"
i also need a little test to make sure it was a ".asm" file to begin with   :P


i couldn't make it work in one step, which is ok
this works pretty well...
@echo off

set parmfile=%1

set parmext=%parmfile:~-4%
if /i not "%parmext%"==".asm" goto NotAsmExt

:: /i switch used for case insensitive compare
:: command extensions must be enabled (default)

set parmfile=%parmfile:~0,-4%

:: %parmfile% now expands to filename base

echo %parmfile%
goto BatEnd

echo not an asm file
