Some Problems with RadASM and MASM32 - *.obj File

Started by Fenriswolf, November 17, 2008, 05:38:45 PM

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i've got some problems linking my helloworld application.
I use RadASM as IDE and MASM32 as Assembler and Linker.

I assembled my *.asm file and then i tried to link it with "doslnk.exe" (I renamed the "link16.exe" because the doslnk.exe didn't exist)

While linking an error appeared:

D:\Masm32\Bin\DOSLNK.EXE /TINY hello.obj;

Microsoft (R) Segmented Executable Linker  Version 5.60.339 Dec  5 1994
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-1993.  All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error L1093: hello.obj : object file not found

Make error(s) occured.
Total compile time 109 ms

Whats up there?
The *.obj File exists.

Thx for help