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How does assume works?

Started by n00b!, October 31, 2008, 04:43:02 PM

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I read in the help files of MASM but since my English isn't that well, I did not understand it...

When I have something like this:
lea esi,rect
assume esi:ptr RECT

Then it's clear that in the first instruction esi gets the address of the label 'rect' (local rect:RECT).
But what does the second instruction?
"assume esi:ptr RECT"
RECT is a structure, but I don't get what the whole instruction does...

At the end follows a "assume esi:nothing"...

Could somebody please explain it in a way that a noob would understand (maybe not in some high and written-English ^^')
That would be great, Thanks!


When you use the assume directive, you tell MASM that you want to treat that register as a pointer to some structure type (like rect).

Because a structure is not a single simple data type, you'd need to jump through some hoops to look at the specific elements.
You can then use esi as if it were that structure type

mov esi.element1, 1234
mov esi.element2, 5678

Then you use assume <reg>:nothing to set it back to "normal" use.



But isn't a register maximal 4 Bytes big in size?
So what about:?

foo struct
a dd ?
b dd ?
foo ends

mov esi.a, 5
mov esi.b, 9


Assume is telling MASM to treat the register like a pointer, rather than a normal register...
So "mov esi.a, 5" is in fact "mov [esi + 0], 5"
And "mov esi.b, 9" is "mov [esi + 4], 9".

That's all done behind the scenes, and the "+ 0" and "+ 4" are all calculated based on the structure. It makes code easier to understand, and self maintaining (if you add something inbetween a and b in your struct, masm will update the "+4" to "+8" or whatever is needed).

The problem with assume is that if you forget, you can go wrong - MASM treats the register like a pointer, you're thinking it's treating it like a register... It can be confusing.

You can also use:

mov (foo ptr [esi]).a, 5
mov (foo ptr [esi]).b, 9

Without the assume, and it's a bit more obvious what you're doing (I prefer this method, although it's more typing it is clearer to the reader of the code).




Couldn't I just type:?
local a:RECT
mov [a.right], 10

And this would do the same:?
local a:RECT
lea edi, [a]
assume edi:ptr RECT
mov [edi].right, 10

Or am I a total dummy and didn't even get a bit of it?
If it's not like that, what would be the advantage of using assume?


Another option that works without assume:

include \masm32\include\

AppName db "Masm32:", 0
rc RECT <1,2,3,4>

start: mov esi, offset rc
print "top:", 9
mov eax, []
print str$(eax), 13, 10
print "bottom:", 9
mov eax, [esi.RECT.bottom]
print str$(eax), 13, 10

end start

EDIT: Our posts crossed. a and b work equally well, but a is 3 bytes, b is 5 bytes long. For long structures, it may matter.

a:   mov eax, []
b:   mov eax,

8B46 04                     mov eax, dword ptr [esi+4]
A1 0C104000                 mov eax, dword ptr [NewWin32.40100C]


Oh, sure...
That's the point! Thanks  :P

I thought of it but somehow, I can't remember what I continued to think, I discarded that notion...