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How to do float-point number multiplication?

Started by houyunqing, October 17, 2008, 01:14:53 PM

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Hey, i just started learning masm yesterday... and i really have no idea how to deal with float-point numbers... are there some instructions that i can use to do multiplication and division with float-point numbers? or do i have to do it all by myself with shl, shr and mul|div?
Another question is that i have an integer and i want to calculate its power of m(another integer variable). do i have to get an algorithm to do this or there is an instruction that i can use?
thanks a lot if you can help me!  :bg :toothy

btw, i'm not familiar with some really advanced jargon :'(


There used to be a floating point help file in Masm32, but I can't find its proper location, so I attach it for you.

[attachment deleted by admin]


wow, so quickly solved! Thanks!!

so the instructions of the coprocessor are not put in the opcodes.chm huh? That's not good



In masm32 version 10 there is a fpuhelp.chm file in \masm32\help, it's newer and has more content than the fpuhelp.hlp posted above. Then there is the SimplyFPU tutorial in \masm32\tutorial\fputute, which can't be beat if you are learning how to use the FPU.


Quote from: Greg on October 17, 2008, 08:05:57 PM

In masm32 version 10 there is a fpuhelp.chm file in \masm32\help, it's newer and has more content than the fpuhelp.hlp posted above. Then there is the SimplyFPU tutorial in \masm32\tutorial\fputute, which can't be beat if you are learning how to use the FPU.

I posted fphelp, not fpuhelp. What I posted explains opcodes and has cycle counts just like the \masm32\help\opcodes.chm does for the CPU. FpuHelp is the help file for Raymond's wrapper lib, and not the ideal place to learn about the FPU. I agree fully, however, that the fputute from the same author is the right place to learn about it.



OK, I was thinking fpuhelp.chm was the newer .chm version of fphelp.hlp. Sorry.

SimplyFPU is the way to go for someone wanting to learn to use the FPU.