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Legacy masm32 10 beta.

Started by hutch--, August 21, 2008, 01:54:44 AM

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I have a 7zip archive that seems to work OK on my Win2000 box. I no longer keep a working win9x OS version so I have no way of testing it in its target environment. I have updated as much as I can with new libraries, the WINDOWS.INC file, POASM support and all of the new CHM help files but I do need someone who runs a win9x family OS to test this to see if it works on the target OS versions. This would be win95b, win98(se) and winME.
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It worked for me under Windows 98 SE, extracted to a masm32 directory off of the root directory. I was able to assemble, link, and run a few random examples without problems. All of the CHM help that I looked at seemed OK, except in the VKDebug help the description text is black on a dark gray back background. Is there anything specific I should test?

Also, I can very easily install 98 FE or 95 OSR 2.1 (the setup files are already on the second partition), or for a little more effort ME or 95 OSR 1 or 2.

eschew obfuscation



Thanks for the tests, the main concern was the differences between and the CMD.EXE of later versions. The batch file that builds all of the libraries is in the MASM32 directory as MAKELIBS.BAT. If this works correctly under then the installation is OK. I have never run ME so I don't know how it works, I gether it stil uses so it would be useful if you have the time to test it on ME as well.
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Under Windows 98 SE, MAKELIBS.BAT appears to run OK, but in the course of doing some more tests I discovered that the QE command prompt does not work, whether through Ctrl+D or by selecting the command from the File menu. Under Windows ME, everything seems to work the same as it did under Windows 98 SE. And yes, it still uses
eschew obfuscation


I think i know what has happened, I left the comand interpreter as CMD.EXE instead of It can be changed from the Edit menu under Edit Settings.
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Yes, it was set for cmd.exe and changing it to fixed the problem.
eschew obfuscation


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If you used COMSPEc instead of making a hard choice, the problem will disappear.

You could do something like this:

    ComSpec     DB  "ComSpec", 0
    RunFile        DB  "BuildGSlib.exe", 0
    RunFile2      DB  " /e:4096 /c ", 022h, 0

; Set your directory of choice first....
      invoke  GetEnvironmentVariable, addr ComSpec, addr strBuffer, MAX_PATH
      invoke  lstrcat, addr strBuffer, addr RunFile2
      invoke  lstrcat, addr strBuffer, addr RunFile
      invoke Sleep,1000
      invoke  CreateProcess, NULL, addr strBuffer, NULL, NULL, TRUE, \
                             NULL, NULL, NULL, addr startupinfo, addr pinfo
; etc.

It will load and use the correct version every time.

-- Paul
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