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What choice do I have????

Started by shankle, June 04, 2008, 12:02:49 PM

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I am left AGAIN with the lessor of TWO evils.
How can anyone with a sane mind vote for either one of these two idiots?
If they even put NADER on the ballot I will have someone not to bad
to vote for.
Again being the pessimist that I am I'm seeing the downfall of the USA
as we know it. I wouldn't be surprised if we go into a depression with
the ridiculous gas prices and the closing of the GM plants.
A panicing American
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress



Getting rid of Billary was a good thing, she was a corporate insider, a Washington insider and a stooge for the military industraial complex. McCain is a nutter who will continue the damage that Bush has done to the US. Obama is an unknown but at least he is not in hock to as many interests as either Billary or McCain.

I personally like Ron Paul but he could not pull enough votes.
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You do not have a choice, You never did have a choice and never will have a choice on this planet. The mere idea of having a choice is an illusion and a manipulation.

No matter what you choose you are in fact doing wrong. The only  thing you could correctly "chose" is to understand internally and "they" are slightly (but not much) afraid of this.

External choices are fully controlled because "they" own both parts and all other parts involved (independents etc). Do not dream... instead observe with objectivity.
Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.

Bill Cravener

Just think if Obama becomes President and Hillary becomes V-President it would be historical in the US. The very first African American President and very first Women V-President of the United States. Gotta be Rush Limbaugh's worst nightmare. :lol

Me, I really don't give a rats ass, they're all crooks!! :tdown
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


I think that Alfred E. Newman should run a write-in campaign, again.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Pat Paulsen for President
Even though he's dead he's still better than the rest.  :green


Quote from: hutch-- on June 04, 2008, 04:31:58 PM
I personally like Ron Paul but he could not pull enough votes.
:bg sounds like an 80's porn star type name...
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


QuoteObama is an unknown but at least he is not in hock to as many interests as either Billary or McCain

In the news today [5/06/2008] Obama has started making clear his proposed foreign policy
- he names IRAN as America's next target as it is a "threat to International peace & stability".
Can anyone say "Here comes more oil wars again..." It seems with or without Bush, Hillary,
Obama, Mcain - America's external policy will not change in the forsee-able future.
I have a theory about this that might make me subject to assassination or at the very least
a "terror suspect" - subject to incarceration and torture without trial or litigation. :wink

The more things change - the more the stay the same.


PS: Should'nt all this be in the Soap Box...?
Does this code make me look bloated ? (wink)


Maybe the Independents should run a candidate.
Probably to late now though.

I apologize if this is in the wrong forum.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress

Mark Jones

Hmm... yes the U.S. has been in debacle after debacle for awhile now. Like Bogdan said, in a way the U.S. people don't really have a choice. Their votes do count, somewhere, in some parallel universe their votes somehow must count, however the entire system is already rigged into only having a few cherry-picked "candidates." This is exactly why I feel there needs to be a major constitutional change, not just an ammendment, which completely eliminates the concept of "political party" and their "left/right" and "conservative/liberal" stereotype and brings in the ability for anyone (meeting requirements), to run for office and have a chance at the presidency. People always complain about the candidates available... if this is the problem, allow more candidates! Have 20 to choose from... and in the event of a tie, the tied contenders should have to enter a sudden-death game of "which president is better at handling emergency situations?" Of course, if I had my way, any candidate would be subject to this gameshow, simply because I do not ever want to see another president act as childish and immature as Bush did on September 11th when he sat in the classroom, pretending nothing was going on. <Grrrr...>

For instance, far too many people in this country vote Republican SOLELY because Republicans are pro-life (meaning, against abortion.) My state, Ohio, mostly full of corn fields and cattle pastures, as a whole votes Republican even though the majority of the workforce here is lower-to-middle-class (farmers, laborers, customer service, etc.) Knowingly or not, this is an incredibly dumb thing for these voters to do, as these people in turn suffer economically as the Republicans continue to funnel our nation's currency... indeed, value... into a never-ending sink-hole. Several people I talked to said they didn't even care what the republican agenda was, their religion simply forbade abortion therefore they picked the first Republican on the ballot.
WTF???                WTH???[/b][/i][/color][/size]
As for Obama, he kind-of reminds me of Kennedy. While Kennedy had his quirks, he too was a little "green" but ended up being one of this nation's best presidents. I've listened at-length to Billary's campaign, and while I appreciate her motivation (read: she sounds like she can be a real bitch), I just think Obama excercises more tact and diplomacy in all manners of conversation, which is a refreshing change from our current gun-toting "Texan" president. That and, most of Billary's "sweeping changes" would have been shot down by Republicans anyways.

So as usual, the system is fundamentally flawed and is stuck in an infinite loop. Anyone mind pressing the reset button? :U
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


I'm all for Obama! He reminds me of John Kennedy too. He also reminds of Martin Luther King. What happened to both of them? God I hope he can avoid getting shot, which is what seems to happen all too frequently in this country when a liberal gets too much power for the conservative's tastes. I was glad to see all the security guys around him at his last speech.



QuoteSo as usual, the system is fundamentally flawed and is stuck in an infinite loop. Anyone mind pressing the reset button?

The system is as the politicians and special-interest groups collectively want it to be, and there is by design no reset button.
eschew obfuscation


Quote from: MichaelW on June 05, 2008, 11:46:48 PM
QuoteSo as usual, the system is fundamentally flawed and is stuck in an infinite loop. Anyone mind pressing the reset button?

The system is as the politicians and special-interest groups collectively want it to be, and there is by design no reset button.

No reset button I'm not sure... but it is unfortunately deeply hidden in the collective soul.


I am very afraid of Obama's background and affilliations.
In my opinion he should never have been elected for the Senate
let alone for the Presidency.
Be that as it may we all know they are just puppets for
the corporations anyway.
God help America.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress

Mark Jones

Quote from: Mark Jones on June 05, 2008, 01:24:12 PM
Anyone mind pressing the reset button? :U

Yikes, re-reading that, it sounds rather criminal! What I meant was, the whole system needs an FDISK and FORMAT. Hmm, lets not read into that too much, heheh.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08