MulWin 0.1.0 / splitting the client area

Started by kennie, January 22, 2008, 09:38:32 PM

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MulWin is a programmer-tool that helps creating applications with multiple child-windows divided by moveable splitters.
It contains an editor which creates the templates and a runtime-module that works along with the application. The runtime-module takes over the task for showing and moving the splitters and the task for sizing and moving the defined child windows.

The advantage is that the programmer has not to take care anymore about sizing and moving the child-windows. The code for the child-windows remains always the same, if the position is top left, right bottom or somewhere in the middle.

MulWin is designed that also modeless dialog-boxes and controls can be such child-windows.

Splitters can be defined as "normal", "thin", "locked" or "right/bottom aligned". (with some limitations)
Windows can be set to "hidden" in runtime (with some limitations), however the child-windows can not change their order given by the template.

I have to tell that it's not my primary goal to develop MulWin, I'm more interested in writing applications WITH MulWin or a similar tool. So, bug-reports and suggestions are welcome, but I can't promise that I will use them for a next version.

Difficulties in MulWin were:
- writing the editor, - logic for splitters, - logic for right / bottom aligned splitters, - logic for hiding windows (not fully solved)


MulWin (161 KB)

Mark Jones

Interesting Kenny, will have a look into it. Thanks. :U
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Thank you Mark.  :bg

I'm still using and maintaining MulWin (writing on little improvements for the child-focus).

But meanwhile I want more. It's far, far away, but now my dream is to write my own GUI-programming system. (hobby-level). The goal would be decreasing the time needed for writing (little) applications and to have better and faster access to details. (...)

Currently I'm writing on a little tree-database part for general purpose. (The DB-Editor works with MulWin and maybe I'll write a MulWin child-module too). I'll post it as a new topic "TDB" when it's ready.