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Started by rizon, December 02, 2007, 09:17:26 AM

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Hello, I'm very new to this, I have limited programming experience, and I've made the choice to learn ASM. After looking for beginner's books, I came across Art of Assembly, and it told me to use HLA, I installed it and put it in the C:\ drive like it said I should, and when I tried to run the example first "Hello World" program, with the "hla -v hw", it put out a bunch of information, but at the end it said
" POLINK: warning: /SECTION: .bss ignored; section is missing. " and then it ended. I know this is a MASM forum, but does anyone know how I can fix this? Thank you.


That's not a problem, just a warning.  You can safely ignore it, your executable should be compiled fine.


Alright, thank you, I executed it right after and found out it worked, I was just making sure. But there's a new problem now.  :(  I wanted to do one of the example programs in the book, so I did it and then saved it as .hla, and compiled it. It looked like it compiled fine, but at the end it gave me the warning:

error: illegal instruction

I figured it would work fine like the hw one, but when I typed in the name into the command prompt, DOS gave me the error:

'demovars' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Anyone know what the possible problem could be?


you did not set paths so windows cannot find your "demovars" put it in root or read HLA instaliation guide in webster


Thanks, I thought the instructions in the Art of Assembly were all I needed to install it. My fault.  :bg


An illegal instruction is a error so your source didn't compile.  Was there no more information than that?  If you copied and pasted directly from an html sample, some hidden characters may have ended up in the source which may cause an illegal instruction fault during compile.
If not, feel free to post the code here and I will test it on my system.