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listall, nolist etc

Started by jj2007, November 30, 2007, 01:55:24 PM

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Is there any way to get a decent short listing? I tried this, but still get a 1.8 MB listing.

include \masm32\include\

.list   ; requires ML.EXE /Fl option

MsgText   db "Tiny console application",13,10,0

start:   print Offset MsgText
   print chr$("Eax contains ")
   mov eax,123456789
   print str$(eax)
   invoke ExitProcess,eax
end start


When I assemble your program with "/c /coff /Cp /nologo /Fl /Sn" I get an 873 byte listing file.


Quote from: Jimg on November 30, 2007, 02:45:01 PM
When I assemble your program with "/c /coff /Cp /nologo /Fl /Sn" I get an 873 byte listing file.
Thanxalot, Jimg - it was the /Sn option that did the job:

/Sn Suppress symbol-table listing

Here is a more complete little App showing Ascii codes for keystrokes, as a template for console apps.

.nolist ; prevents listing of includes
include \masm32\include\
.list ; requires ML.EXE /Fl /Sn option


AppName db "Tiny console application",0
UsrPrompt db 13,10,"Press any key to see its ASCII code, or Escape to quit: ",0

start: invoke SetConsoleTitle,addr AppName

  print offset UsrPrompt
  call ret_key
  .BREAK .IF eax==27
  print str$(eax)

invoke ExitProcess,0
end start