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need help

Started by ayu1980, November 15, 2007, 08:17:29 AM

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can somebody expert help me to check this program? I already write this program which is for my college mini project.
This program is to show student exam result but the looping is not function correctly. it will give output same if i put > then 3 student.

please help..tq

TITLE CalcMark             (calculate.asm)


fileName  BYTE 80 DUP (0)
fileName1 BYTE 80 DUP (0)
fileName2 BYTE 80 DUP (0)
input1   BYTE ?
Promptx  BYTE  "       --------------********************************----------------",0
Prompt1  BYTE  "KEPUTUSAN MARKAH PELAJAR                                    ",0
Prompt2  BYTE  "Nurul Nadiah  : ",0
Prompt3  BYTE  "Syazrul Arman : ",0
Prompt4  BYTE  "Nurul Nashwa  : ",0
PromptE  BYTE  "               --------------------FINISH-------------------",0

PromptA  BYTE  "Lecturer's Name    :  SITI HAJAR OTHMAN                     ",0
PromptA1 BYTE  "Section            :  02                                    ",0
PromptA2 BYTE  "Semester           :  1 2007/2008                           ",0
PromptA3 BYTE  "Number of Student  :  ",0
PromptA4 BYTE  "Number of Student  :  3                                     ",0

PromptB  BYTE  "Student 1          : ",0
PromptB1 BYTE  "Quiz [15]          : ",0
PromptB2 BYTE  "Assignment [10]    : ",0
PromptB3 BYTE  "Mid Term Exam [30] : ",0
PromptB4 BYTE  "Final Exam [45]    : ",0

PromptC  BYTE  "Student 2          : ",0
PromptC1 BYTE  "Quiz [15]          : ",0
PromptC2 BYTE  "Assignment [10]    : ",0
PromptC3 BYTE  "Mid Term Exam [30] : ",0
PromptC4 BYTE  "Final Exam [45]    : ",0

PromptD  BYTE  "Student 3          : ",0
PromptD1 BYTE  "Quiz [15]          : ",0
PromptD2 BYTE  "Assignment [10]    : ",0
PromptD3 BYTE  "Mid Term Exam [30] : ",0
PromptD4 BYTE  "Final Exam [45]    : ",0

PromptF  BYTE  "  :  ",0

PromptGA  BYTE  "Grade A",0
PromptGA1 BYTE  "Grade A-",0
PromptGB  BYTE  "Grade B+",0
PromptGB1 BYTE  "Grade B",0
PromptGB2 BYTE  "Grade B-",0
PromptGC  BYTE  "Grade C+",0
PromptGC1 BYTE  "Grade C",0
PromptGC2 BYTE  "Grade C-",0
PromptGD  BYTE  "Grade D+",0
PromptGD1 BYTE  "Grade D",0
PromptGE  BYTE  "Grade E",0

aName    QWORD  ?
nameSize = ($ - aName)

W        DWORD ?
X        DWORD ?
Y        DWORD ?
Z        DWORD ?
pelajar1 DWORD ?
pelajar2 DWORD ?
pelajar3 DWORD ?

main PROC

;skrin utama----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     mov  edx,OFFSET Prompt ; display HEADER
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET Promptx ; display HEADER LINE
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptA ; display a prompt
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptA1 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptA2 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptA3 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  input1,al
call crlf
     call crlf
     call crlf

;pelajar 1 =================================================================

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptB ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadString

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptB1 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  W,eax

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptB2   ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  X,eax

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptB3   ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  Y,eax

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptB4   ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  Z,eax
     call sum_rtn

mov pelajar1,eax

call crlf
call crlf

;pelajar 2 =================================================================

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptC ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName1
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName1 - 1
call ReadString

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptC1 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  W,eax

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptC2   ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  X,eax

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptC3   ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  Y,eax

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptC4   ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  Z,eax
     call sum_rtn

mov pelajar2,eax

call crlf
     call crlf

;pelajar 3 =================================================================

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptD ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName2
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName2 - 1
call ReadString

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptD1 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  W,eax

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptD2   ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  X,eax

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptD3   ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  Y,eax

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptD4   ; display a prompt
call WriteString
mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
mov  ecx,SIZEOF fileName - 1
call ReadInt
mov  Z,eax
call sum_rtn

mov pelajar3,eax

call crlf
     call clrscr

;skrin output =================================================================

     call crlf
     call crlf
     mov  edx,OFFSET Prompt ; display a prompt
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     call crlf
     mov  edx,OFFSET Promptx ; display a prompt
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptA ; display a prompt
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptA1 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptA2 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptA4 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
call crlf
     call crlf
     call crlf

;markah peratusan pelajar =================================================================

     mov  edx,OFFSET Prompt1 ; display a prompt
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf
     call crlf

;pelajar 1
     mov  edx,OFFSET fileName
     call writeString

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptF
     call writeString

     mov  eax,pelajar1
call writeDec
     call crlf
     call grade

;pelajar 2
     mov  edx,OFFSET fileName1
     call writeString

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptF
     call writeString

     mov  eax,pelajar2
call writeDec
     call crlf
     call grade

;pelajar 3
     mov  edx,OFFSET fileName2
     call writeString

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptF
     call writeString

     mov  eax,pelajar3
call writeDec
     call crlf
     call grade
     call crlf
     call crlf

     mov  edx,OFFSET PromptE ; display FINISH
call WriteString
     call crlf
     call crlf

;calculate marks individually =================================================================
sum_rtn PROC

     mov eax,W
mov ebx,X
mov edx,Y
mov ecx,Z

add eax,ebx
add eax,edx
add eax,ecx

call writeDec

;grade Proc =================================================================

grade PROC
     cmp  eax,85               ;  eax >= 85 && eax =< 100
     jnae L2                   ;
     cmp  eax,100
     jnle L2                   ;
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGA   ;  GRADE A
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,80               ;  eax >= 80  && eax =< 84
     jnae L2
     cmp  eax,84
     jnle L2
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGA1        ;  GRADE A-
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,75               ;  eax >= 75  && eax =< 79
     jnae L3
     cmp  eax,79
     jnle L3
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGB        ;  GRADE B+
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,70               ;  eax >= 70  && eax =< 74
     jnae L4
     cmp  eax,74
     jnle L4
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGB1        ;  GRADE B
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,65               ;  eax >= 65  && eax =< 69
     jnae L5
     cmp  eax,69
     jnle L5
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGB2         ;  GRADE B-
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,60               ;  eax >= 60  && eax =< 64
     jnae L6
     cmp  eax,64
     jnle L6
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGC         ;  GRADE C+
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,55               ;  eax >= 55  && eax =< 59
     jnae L7
     cmp  eax,59
     jnle L7
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGC1        ;  GRADE C
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,50               ;  eax >= 50  && eax =< 54
     jnae L8
     cmp  eax,54
     jnle L8
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGC2         ;  GRADE C-
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,45               ;  eax >= 45  && eax =< 49
     jnae L9
     cmp  eax,49
     jnle L9
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGD         ;  GRADE D+
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,40               ;  eax >= 40  && eax =< 44
     jnae L10
     cmp  eax,44
     jnle L10
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGD1        ;  GRADE D
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf

     cmp  eax,0               ;  eax >= 0  && eax =< 39
     jl   quit
     cmp eax,39
     jnle quit
     mov edx,OFFSET PromptGE         ;  GRADE E
     call writeString
     call crlf
     call crlf


grade ENDP
sum_rtn ENDP
main ENDP
END main


As far as I can tell, without knowing what you intended it to do, your code runs correctly, and after commenting the “exit� on line 324 it runs to the end. I cannot find any loop structure in the code. A loop repeats a section of code until a termination condition is reached. An example would be if you used a single block of code to replace the code labeled pelajar 1, pelajar 2, and pelajar 3, and looped the block 3 times, each with a different student number (as far as I can tell everything else is the same).

Also, I can’t see any good reason to nest the procedures as you have. The ENDP directive should be at the end of the procedure’s code, before the start of the next procedure.

Also, in your sum_rtn code, this:

    mov eax,W
    mov ebx,X
    mov edx,Y
    mov ecx,Z

    add eax,ebx
    add eax,edx
    add eax,ecx

Could be replaced with this:

    mov eax,W
    add eax,X
    add eax,Y
    add eax,Z

eschew obfuscation


You'll need to loop for each student, instead of just copying the same code 3 times (for only 3 students - not more, not less.)
With the loop, then you can then have 1 student, or 5 students, or 100 students. And your code will be three times smaller :wink

So, something like...

  print Header + Course Details
  input number of students (=> numStudents)

  n = 1
  print "Student ", 'n'
  input student name (=> name)

  print "Quiz [15]"
  input quiz grade (=> W)
  print "Assignment [10]"
  input  grade (=> X)
  print "Mid Term Exam [30]"
  input  grade (=> Y)
  print "Final Exam [45]"
  input  grade (=> Z)
  sum grades (=> grade)

  inc n
  n <= numStudents ?  jle input_loop

  clear screen
  print Header + Course Details
  print "Number of Students : ", 'numStudents'

  n = 1
  print 'name', " : ", 'grade'

  inc n
  n <= numStudents ?  jle outut_loop


When you've fixed that and the loops work, you should notice that the 'name' and 'grade' of each student are lost with each loop..
Fix the loops first, then learn about arrays, then come back we can talk :wink
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


ok I will try to fix it 1st.. tq for the tips.


for the loop as you shown below is using C# rite? can I only using asembly language for looping? because as what as  i concern, I can't use C# for this project. must use purely assembly language.



I only described what you need to do, but not in any specific language (not C# or any other, but closest to assembly.) If you must write the project in pure asm, then that's what you must use :P
To loop you will need to "cmp" and then use a conditional jump (in a similar way to how the grade proc does.)
Understand what you need to do, how it works, then write the asm code to make it do that.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.