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Shared segment

Started by Artoo, February 17, 2005, 09:00:02 AM

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Could someone please tell me the equivialent of the MS Visual C++ code:

#pragma data_seg (".shared")
BOOL g_bBlah = FALSE;
#pragma data_seg ()
#pragma comment(linker,"/SECTION:.shared,RWS")

How would I do this in MASM, and where would I do it? eg before .data ??

Your help is much appreciated.  :toothy


You could put it in the DEF file as in,

SECTIONS .bss SHARED   ; .bss = .data?


SECTIONS .bss READ WRITE SHARED   ; .bss = .data?

or you could add it as a linker switch something like,


Mind you I use RadASM, so I don't know if it would be different in another IDE.