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how's vista for prog'n

Started by DC, July 31, 2007, 02:31:35 AM

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been out of it for a bit... finaly got a 'puter that works on more than 98... how far behind am I to prog'n in vista?
this isn't daja vu, I'm just learning it for the 37th time


ok... at least what directory do I want?
I'm old... OK?
P.S. ... I think vista's kinda cool...
this isn't daja vu, I'm just learning it for the 37th time


Hello, DC, welcome back!

Quote from: DC on July 31, 2007, 02:31:35 AM
how far behind am I to prog'n in vista?
Not that far. :)

Quote from: DC on July 31, 2007, 04:41:37 AM
ok... at least what directory do I want?
I didn't get that. Anyway, as always, you should use MSDN to see what's new. More than Vista, you may find 64 bit quite interesting, I think.
I didn't do anything for Vista, and I am not really interested in upgrading 'cause most of the guru's around here and around the net are not delighted about it.

Best Regards,


Hi DC,

Probably, I would wait for the release of SP1 to upgrade to Vista.


I was afraid of that...
none the less... I bet most folks are gonna like it and want stuff that works with it...
I have suffered a loss of ability to use software i've had for years and must replace somehow... spendy kind too...
being a wannabe programer, it seems like the vista users are the next market...
I thought computers were s'posed to make everything easier...
this isn't daja vu, I'm just learning it for the 37th time


I've been using Vista for a solid 6 months now, and i have to say i'm rather happy with it - and it looks great. I find it considerably more solid and reliable than XP. My only issue is the lack of app support or driver support for it. I first saw an alpha version of Vista about 3 years ago, so it has been on the horizen for a long time, i am disappointed that a lot of vendors haven't got their stuff Vista compatable yet.

Vista does introduce some new security considerations, which means that developers cannot continue with some of the bad habits that they have been using for years (quick example: reading/writing from the HKLM hive of the registry without first elevating their rights). Once you are familiar with the new rules you will find that Vista is great, and your stuff looks way prettier in it :)


i have been running vista to and do like it but vista does have it bugs as any OS does. I run 64bit on my desktop and 32bit on my laptop. The only problems i have run into is unzipping/downloading on the laptop as there is a problem with file copy from what i read online but took the easy route to fixing it by getting a 3rd party zip program. On the desktop i have seen troubles with games but others seem to be just fine with them. Anyways aall my apps work fine in vista and i didnt have to make any changes to them.