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ODBC project over FirebirdSQL

Started by lgg2, April 09, 2007, 09:50:41 PM

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This is only for those interested in ODBC programing. I am trying to make a solid "base layer" for ODBC to later use it on programs. By now, it doesn't make much things, but it is a start. The coments are in Spanish, but if anyone is interested on it, I will translate them.

The project needs: FirebirdSQL, th ODBC driver for it and WinASM.

By now has 2 fase working. 1: if database doesn't exist, create it with wanted structure. 2: Check the database structure for later update it if is necesary. The last fase will be make that update (need more time).

Well, try it and i will wait yours comments.


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Hello again,

I have remember that a helper program can be "FlameRobin" to admin/control the Firebird databases. Also for see the database structures , data and others.




The same file but english translated.

One fail from me: you must correct the "ODBCString" to point the correct directory.


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