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Assembler Book?

Started by stk, February 09, 2007, 04:22:42 PM

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it's a mess.

Someone said Iczelions is the best, another said this has it's attention mainly on using WinAPI
with assembler and you could not learn assembler with that, the next said to learn assembly
you must start with MS-DOS.

The best is i learn all that stuff at the same time.

Thank you.




Quote from: stk on February 12, 2007, 09:17:53 PM

it's a mess.

Someone said Iczelions is the best, another said this has it's attention mainly on using WinAPI
with assembler and you could not learn assembler with that, the next said to learn assembly
you must start with MS-DOS.

The best is i learn all that stuff at the same time.

Thank you.


Well Iczelions tutorial is outstanding for someone who has already knows some assembly, and wants to learn how to program windows with assembly.
But there is little info about the general assembly language operators/registers and such.
So I would start off with the Art of Assembly, till you got an understanding what basic assembly is about, and then move on to Iczelions tutorials.


The very informative and usefull help files that come with MASM32,
are easily accessed from the Help menu in the feature packed Quick Editor. 

They include:
ASM Intro Help (Introduction to Assembler)
Opcodes Help (Intel Opcodes and Mnemonics)
FP Opcodes Help (Floating Point Help)
MASM32 Help (MASM Reference)

Windows assembly has much better support in terms of Assemblers, at least half a dozen,
and active development and resources, at least half a dozen active forums that
have programmers of all levels from newbies to experts.


I will also suggest starting with Randall Hyde's Art of Assembly, as he will give you the foundation you need for any assembler.  I would even suggest that you tackle the Intel manuals before you jump into Iczelions tutorials.  Iczelions tutorials are an introduction to windows programming in assembly language, NOT not an introduciton to assembly language programming.



Art of Assembly works hand in hand with HLA, and you could not use it with other
assemblers, right?

Anyway. I have decided to start as follows:

MASM32 with Exagon Tutorial (like Iczelion's, but with more attention on assembly than WinAPI);
GoASM   with the in the download included tutorials
NASM     with the book "Assembly Language Step by Step" for this i've bought MS-DOS 6.2 at ebay today; Price: 15 $

Are the Intel manuals understandable for beginners?

Thank you!



The Intel (and AMD) manuals provide certain code examples, but I value them more for the processor reference information. In assembly it helps to know the processor you're writing code for because that processor's limits and abilities have a direct impact on what you can do. So while you may not learn how to write assembly language from the processor manuals, you'll certainly learn more about the processor, and that in turn makes it easier to understand what your assembly programs are doing. The manuals cover most aspects of system development, so try to focus on "applications" as that is the information that will apply most to what you are learning.

I hope that's helpful to you.


Hi Wistrik,

please i do not know which manuals i should download,
so can you give me a link please and tell which one i should

Thank you.



Go HERE and download these four documents from Intel:

Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual
Documentation Changes

Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual
Volume 1: Basic Architecture

Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual
Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M

Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual
Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z

That'll give you plenty to work with. In particular you can look up various assembly instructions to see exactly what they do and what options are available.




i learn assembly programming on a computer with Windows 98 SE
and the Processor is a Pentium 2, so can i use the recommended
Intel manuals:

or do i need the following manual:



You can use the current manuals, but the older manual should be easier to navigate.
eschew obfuscation



use the current Intel manuals, they are technically better than the older ones and refer to the earlier processors in useful ways. In particular once you have digested enough of the instructions, have a good read of the optimisation manual from Intel, it has a lot of good stuff in it.
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in addition to what has already been mentioned i would suggest,
The Assembly Programming Master Book
by Vlad Pirogov 
A-LIST Publishing © 2005


Programming Windows by charles petzold - 5th edition // a VERY good to learn the core windows stuff

** Both of these are not for absolute beginners.

both the books concentrate on programming with windows. i dunno why you want to start with DOS when you can directly start with 32bit.