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Update of QE.

Started by hutch--, September 17, 2006, 01:23:27 PM

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Apart from some minor tweaks, irritation removals and he like, this version of QE should be compatible with the DEP on later versions of Windows on hardware late enough to have the capacity. I was able to do some testing with a friend of mine who has a new notebook that has DEP hardware and the new method seems to be working OK.

If anyone is using a DEP capable box, I would appreciate it if they could enable the dep and test this version of QE.

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It runs fine on my AMD64 WINXP SP2 system with DEP "AlwaysOn" in BOOT.INI.

Thanks for the update.

Edit: I had to turn DEP off after testing. Microsoft Word 2003 kept crashing on startup and Internet Explorer 6 SP2 wouldn't load some websites without crashing. (Reports for both crashes were sent to Microsoft.) Way to go for writing a better-behaved program Hutch. :U