Keyboard History Utility error

Started by fushiyun, June 30, 2006, 08:55:47 AM

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i am trying to build WDM driver by using RadASM based on NMAKE.
though it can build successful, but, it would show a error MessageBox as ftp://jpg:jpg@

the follow steps are used in my project:
step 1.  i replace the content of the assembler as ftp://jpg:jpg@
step 2.  i select the button 'Assemble' to build my WDM driver,
          but, it would show a error MessageBox ftp://jpg:jpg@
step 3.  i close this error messagebox twice, then, it can successful to build my WDM driver.
step 4.  finally, it would show a error meesagebox again as ftp://jpg:jpg@

the follow texts typed in makedriver.bat file:
@echo off
call F:\WINDDK\bin\setenv.bat F:\WINDDK chk
cd c:\test
build -cefw

i know that my english is poor, therefore, i use many pictures to express.
can anybody tell me how to solve this ? :(


Hi fushiyun

I don't know what the 2-1 messagebox is. Is it from nmake or from the compiler?

Does your build produce an .exe file? If it is not then 2-3 is wrong.

RadASM parses the output window to locate build errors. Will you post the content of the output window?
It will explain why you get 2.2



i don't know where the 2-1 messagebox comes from.
i build produce an .sys file, but, why the 2-3 messagebox is wrong ?

the follow texts are in output window:
BUILD: Object root set to: ==> objchk
BUILD: Adding /Y to COPYCMD so xcopy ops won't hang.
BUILD: /i switch ignored
BUILD: Using 2 child processes
BUILD: Compile and Link for i386
BUILD: Loading F:\WINDDK\build.dat...
BUILD: Computing Include file dependencies:
BUILD: Examining c:\test directory for files to compile.
    c:\test - 2 source files (849 lines)
BUILD: Saving F:\WINDDK\build.dat...
BUILD: Compiling c:\test directory
1>Compiling - test.rc for i386
1>Compiling - test.c for i386
BUILD: Linking c:\test directory
1>Linking Executable - objchk\i386\test.sys for i386

    3 files compiled -   849 LPS
    1 executable built

Make error(s) occured.
Total compile time 12093 ms



Since you are building a .sys file you must add this type using Project / Main Project Files

($16) test.sys

Then replace the 5 with 16



thank KetilO to reply.
i replaced the 5 with 16, therefore, the 2-2 messagebox seems to be overcomed.
however, the 2-1 messagebox still exist.
i think that it may occur by Nmake.
i will continue to find out this problem. :U