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Multithread & debug; DreawText

Started by TNick, June 26, 2006, 10:06:16 AM

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Here is my question:
What presumptions should me made when debuging a multithread program with (1) a software level debuger (Ex.: w32dasm) and (2) a hardware level debuger (Ex.: SoftIce), working in "Single step", for example?

- each thread perform a instruction per step
- the curent thread (the one that you see) perform the instructions and the other(s) are stopped
- the curent thread (the one that you see) perform the instructions and the other(s) are unpredictable
- another choice..

Another thing: by mistake, in a INVOKE DrawText ..., I've used a WORD parameter instead of a DWORD parameter at  <<int nCount -  string length, in characters >>. MASM32 assamble and link my program just fine, without saing anything. Is this a bug in MASM32?


First off, win32dasm is not a debugger, it is a disassembler, so it handles multi threaded apps just fine  :P I don't have much experience with Sice (R.I.P.), but i do have a LOT of experience with the VS debugger, and debugging multi threaded apps can be a real pain in the ass - you can be debugging one thread and then suddenly jump into another due to an event being raised or a callback executed.

With you INVOKE problem, need more information. If MASM compiled it ok then you must have declared it correctly according to the function proto that it had.


Thanks for your answers. About DrawText:
- I didn't modify any of the standard inc or lib files within MASM32 package
- I repaced the WORD parameter with a DWORD parameter without any other modification, and it assamble just fine
- those parameters are LOCAL's
- I just made another try; the result is the same

Why was this post moved?
Best regards!