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really illigel?

Started by zcoder, May 30, 2006, 04:26:54 AM

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There was a post asking something lkie this:
Hi i am looking to use some type of deafeat for windows restart
some small elegant code would be nice and to also be able to put the restart mode back in gear when im done... with it    it must work even though i am not administrator and also work even though i do not have access to C drive at all what so ever !!!

I put the meaning of this question in BOLD as it is known as halting the system while you do some intense cleaning or finish
some long tasks that may take more time then windows will give you while a shut down is in action.

I have had to write such code and in pratice it's not some kinda hacker stuff it does have it's applications.

Now I don't want code posted on this subject as the thread that asked this was shut down so we should respect that.
I just wanted to know why? is there something I am missing?

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This is what we have admin for, if we find questions or code posted that is not alowed under the rules, we solve the problem.
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So was it a bad post after all?

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I have no way of knowing what you are asking your question about. The best I can get from it so far is if someone posts a question trying to break the security of a computer and if you post some code in that topic, will the team remove it ?

If its illegal the answer is yes.

This is properly something you should PM one of the team about as we don't set policy on the fly in response to questions.
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Mark Jones

Zcoder, the question was shot down simply because nobody can control what the code would be used for. Yes I can see your concern but the OP asked how to bypass windows security measures which is simply not allowable. Would Microsoft publically divulge how to "hack" their user access? No way! Then why should MASM32 members? If a program absolutely MUST run independently of all user-mode activity then Microsoft has already created a framework for this: Google for Four-F's Kernel Mode Driver Tutorials. (Never had any reason to do such a thing myself, and probably never will.) :P

The moderators here do sometimes lock or remove (mostly lock) posts for various reasons but always have a good and valid reason for doing so. If nothing else, they do it just to keep the riff-raff in some other assembler forum. :snooty: :toothy
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


I have had to do it when making programs that simulate something in the system.
HDD, partitions, CD/R's, ALOT of things. and if I did not do it the system could
get messed up badly, I found the info long time ago listed on Microsoft's site
and it, really is no big deal. I just wanted to know, couse what I maybe thinking
is safe to talk about may not be. good thing I have not posted anything illegal.

I just dont want to have to walk on egg's.

No big deal though. I was just wondering.


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white scorpion

I've read the question as well, and i think major reason for closing / deleting the topic were:

- ask for complete working code, he didn't want to write it himself
- bypass security
- the way it was asked clearly pointed to a scriptkiddie instead of someone who actually wants to learn his system.

I haven't always agreed with the decisions made by the staff on this board, since i do a lot of security related things as well, but we still have to respect their policy.

just my 2 cents  :8)


I agree, thats why in the post above I said:

Now I don't want code posted on this subject as the thread that asked this was shut down so we should respect that.

Back in 1979, My computer ran so fine.
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white scorpion

This wasn't directly meant for you. no offense meant, it's was just as a general statement  :bg

Mark Jones

Quote from: zcoder on May 31, 2006, 09:13:23 AM
I found the info long time ago listed on Microsoft's site

Oh yeah? How to bypass windows user-security? Please, I'd love to see a link. :U

I just wanted to know, couse what I maybe thinking is safe to talk about may not be. good thing I have not posted anything illegal.

You know what is "safe to talk about" and what is not. You highlight some pretty good examples in your own forum rules:
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


I know my rules and I would not close the thread in question on this issue.
Halting windows for awhile so your app can save critical data is not a
security issue.

Back in 1979, My computer ran so fine.
And there was no such thing,
As a Microsoft Crashed Machine.  Free Domain Names


I am not sure what the bulk of this discussion has in relation to a subforum for code design and optimisation but as far as legality issues we have a very clear cut set of rules, an admin team and a membership that make sure they no-one breaks them.

We have always left room for true low level coding which in fact we encourage but the combined membership and admin team have been around long enough to know the difference between low level programming and illegal activities and the rules will be enforced by their stated intention.

Because of the number of new members who have tried to start illegal posts and been very slow at responding to the admin teams questions, we tend to shoot first and ask questions later and this is not going to change because finally we administer this forum for its members who will not accept fringe activities.

What is not up for negotiation is the rules of the forum or how the admin team enforce the intent of the rules. We will always listen to a reasonable complaint if a post has been closed and we have re-opened posting if we were satisfied with the answer but there will be no nonsense.
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Quote from: Mark Jones on May 31, 2006, 04:45:08 PM
Quote from: zcoder on May 31, 2006, 09:13:23 AM
I found the info long time ago listed on Microsoft's site

Oh yeah? How to bypass windows user-security? Please, I'd love to see a link. :U

The page for the original question exists in MSDN, has done for years and is described in great detail by some of Microsoft's bloggers.

I've posted the link directly to you since I am not keen to go against the moderators decisions publicly :wink  :bg


Zooba :U

Mark Jones

Zooba I was being facetious about actually wanting a link, but thanks anyways. :bg

Incidentally, that link has little to do with the concept of "bypassing windows user security" but is a very common bit of code and would probably work for the OP's need, except for the part about "without having administrator rights." I don't see why you thought it would be a problem to post the link as there's nothing inherently immoral about using that code... except when considered in the context of the OP. He asked, "it must work even though i am not administrator and also work even though i do not have access to C drive at all what so ever !!!"

So, the OP asked for an "elegant" method to suspend activity on reboot while some code is run, presumably outside of the user-mode sandbox. Even if totally legitimate, this is a red-flag type of question for the MASM forum (seems a lot like virus activity) and it was locked as a result. The OP never petitioned and explained more clearly what he was trying to do, so the thread remains closed, hence, problem solved. :wink If there was a legitimate need for an answer, the OP would have petitioned the closed thread and explained himself more clearly and if deemed appropriate, the thread would have been re-opened and civilized discussion could ensue. But it didn't, so the initial assumption of immoral activity seems to be correct.

Locking threads happens all the time and is explained in detail as part of the MASM forum signup agreement which we all had to read and agree to... so why are we even discussing this? Is this thread more about certain users trying to justify a certain type of activity? If so there are tons of other forums out there dedicated to all sorts of H/P/V/A/C disciplines. I suggest those looking into these activities or those who don't like the idea of a Moderated Forum should switch to one of these other seedy  forums instead of the highly respectable and moderated  MASM forum.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Mark Jones,
Your explaination was the first and only one to answer this clearly.
This is all I wanted to know, I sometimes do not get clear answers
to simple questions like this.

All is understood now.

Back in 1979, My computer ran so fine.
And there was no such thing,
As a Microsoft Crashed Machine.  Free Domain Names