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Clicking in specific areas

Started by savage, May 28, 2006, 02:59:15 AM

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Let's say I have an image background on a window, like for example a picture of piano keys, and I want to be able to click each piano key individually. I have never quite understood which way is better [or more common].

Should I...

Handle the main window's mouse events and then test to see which rectangle it is in?
Make each piano key a separate custom control?
Something else?

How do people usually do things like this?
I'm so used to using prebuilt controls like buttons and edit boxes that this was never an obstacle.

But now I really would like to get a grasp of better ways to do this.
Thanks if anyone can give me their thoughts.


Some time ago I wrote a Calculator program (actually, I built the front end and Ewayne build a lot of the backend.)  Anyway, I had to deal with a similar situation.  My decision was to create 5 toolbars, each created from its own bitmap.  This way, the buttons were created for me by the toolbar support software.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


If each piano key is the same width it's a simple MOD operation on the cursor X position to figure out which one was clicked. (Probably a rectangle check if the window is bigger than the keyboard / accidentals, etc.). This way is more economical than creating a custom control (though creating a 'Key' class is very OO...  :naughty:  :wink ) though requires more thought by the programmer. I don't think that's a bad tradeoff  :bg


Zooba :U


Hi Savage

You can make a copy of your piano keys picture and change
all the keys to there own color save it and put it in memory.

c-1 = 1
c#1 = 2
d-1 = 3 etc.

Now you only have to test where you clicked your mouse on the
picture, get the coords and pic the color from the copy in memory
and there you have the number of the piano key you have clicked.

With this method you make controls that have all kinds of shapes.



The reason I chose the method I chose is because I am not very good as a graphics programmer.  I have seen you guys do some fastinating things.  The way I see this problem is to just detect a key via a region is not good enough.  There needs to be a satisfying response to the click by means of a visual representation (such as a button being clicked).  Any solution that you suggest to savage should deal with that.  In light of what I just said, how does that effect your response.  Remember that I am not being critical, here, just want to see how another's mind works.  In the Calculator, the multiplicity of toolbars solved this problem in a very satisfying way.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Hi Paul

Hope I uderstand what you where asking....
(I'm Dutch so English is not my native language
if I misunderstood tell me....)

This method is very usable within graphics programming.

I use this method because it is fast and easy.
The only drawback is you need an extra picture
to check where you clicked your mouse.
And if needed one extra to show which key was clicked.



Do you know if there is a pre-existing example or tutorial about this method.  I think you understand very well what I am saying.  The problem is there is a risk you will talk over my head as you know a lot more about these things than I do (and probably savage, also).  I know this is savage's thread and his question but I have gotten very curious and want to learn.

Thank you for your patience, by the way.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


There is a tutorial/example in OpenGL (3D) at The concept remains the same, though simpler in 2D and probably with a premade map.

Think of it like having two maps with the same scale. One looks pretty and the other tells you where you are. So if you have a point on the pretty one, the same point on the other one can give your location.


Zooba :U


Hi Paul

I'll make an example and post it.

Later Siekmanski


Hi Savage,

Try "Ownerdrawnbuttons" in Donkey's Stable GoAsm Projects as a starting point. You could draw larger keys that completely fill the window. 

Get it at

Regards Roger


The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Paul I feel exactly the same way you do, and anything I can learn about this would be much appreciated.  I probably do not know much more about it than you do, like you said, I'm not that great at graphics yet either.

But thank you too, Zooba and Siek, for the help.
I'm hoping to have this mastered one day, I'm sure it will be a very common situation.


Here is a test project I made by using a custom control:

EDIT: sigh... tripod won't let me directly download from them from an anonymous referrer. So I made a quick page to download from:


Quote from: zooba on May 28, 2006, 12:28:02 PM
There is a tutorial/example in OpenGL (3D) at The concept remains the same, though simpler in 2D and probably with a premade map.

Think of it like having two maps with the same scale. One looks pretty and the other tells you where you are. So if you have a point on the pretty one, the same point on the other one can give your location.


Zooba :U

By the way, this is an AMAZING tutorial.  Very thorough and very well detailed and commented.

Mark Jones

Quote from: savage on May 28, 2006, 08:22:39 PM
EDIT: sigh... tripod won't let me directly download from them from an anonymous referrer...

It worked for me out of the Sprint backbone in Chicago, USA. Nice example by the way. :U
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