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Older MASM?

Started by stormchaser, April 28, 2006, 10:55:03 PM

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I just bought a book on Assembler that costed fifty-one dollars - then discovered it was written in 1962 and was ENTIRELY incompatible with my version of MASM, no matter how much I tweaked. I could return it, but I'd like to see if I can find an older version of MASM that the code would work with. The book is Professional Assembly Language by Richard Blum. Any suggestions?


Find a masm written back in 1962??
ms WAS NOT around back then.
infact I am not sure the 8080 family was around back then.
hell I was still watching cartoons.
good luck.

Back in 1979, My computer ran so fine.
And there was no such thing,
As a Microsoft Crashed Machine.  Free Domain Names


Really? I'll go check the date again. It does mention MASM in it.


Yep, the date is 1962 and it suggests MASM in the chapter 'Tools of the trade'.


I am suprised, really.
I am not a MS freak so I am not sure, but I did not think bill gates was out of MIT
yet, but what do I know,I was only 4 then and old bill might be way older them me.
if it turns out he had his company going back then, and anyway I am not sure the
8080 family existed yet, but hey that might surprise me too, now I have douts.

Back in 1979, My computer ran so fine.
And there was no such thing,
As a Microsoft Crashed Machine.  Free Domain Names


Is this pulished by Wrox?

The copyright date is 2005, and from the table of contents at Amazon, the chapter "Tools of the Trade" lists GNU tools that would normally be run on Linux/Unix. Although the recent versions of GAS have an Intel mode for machine instructions, I'm guessing the directives are still in that old GAS syntax. (The roots of its syntax are the DEC/Digital assemblers like MACRO-11.)

The first 8080 (8-bit) systems came out in 1975, so a date of 1962 just can't be right. Unless that's the date the author started his programming career.

Bill Gates was still in grade school in 1962.
A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
Alan Perlis, Epigram #8



Quote...but I did not think bill gates was out of MIT...

    I believe that B.G. went to Harvard, not MIT.  Ratch


There is also a book with the same title which was published in 1962 by Richard Blum (according to some sites I googled down).
Perhaps back than there was an assembler for some platform called MASM as well.

so, stormchaser, you probably purchased a wrong _version_ of the book :)


Ratch, he went to both, MIT first, he was there when I was there and that date is impossible.  Assemblers were in the Microcode stage at that point and were not in the public domain (Cray OS dates to that era but those systems have only recently been declassified by the US Government).  Microsoft was not even a dream and Zilog and Mostek did not exist yet (the precursers to Intel).  My memories are affected by my medical condition but that information comes from my private archives so is reliable.  I would be VERY interested in the contents of that book, I suspect it is a current documentation.  That does not mean I am right but, think about it...  there was no masm (I should say Microsoft) in 1962.

I had to edit this post to be more clear about 'MS masm'.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


The copyright for Microsoft MASM dates 1981 onwards but recently Ratch mentioned a far earlier tool called MASM so it may be something of the same name but far earlier.
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D'OH! It turns out it was written in 2005, and the author was born in 1962(or at least that's what it looks like)



QuoteRatch, he went to both, MIT first,...

     I stand corrected.  Ratch



Quote...but recently Ratch mentioned a far earlier tool called MASM ...

     Yes, it was an assembler for a mainframe.  MASM meant Meta-Assembler.  It had features and concepts that are complete missing from MS MASM.  As I mentioned in another thread, it could also be made to assemble code written for other processors with differenct op codes and word sizes by writing user defined "PROCs".  I can point out references to this software if anybody really gives a damn.  Ratch


I am not trying to correct anybody just had some useful information.  I am far more interested in the mainframe thing, I think your information is far more interesting.  My company does a lot of mainframe programming though the technology is dying at this point.  We never called it META-anything.  In the circles I travelled in, we call it 'RGB programming'.  Am I talking about the same thing that you are talking about?

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website



     I used to write programs using this assembler.  Unfortunately, it was never converted to run on a APPLE or WINTEL.  When I started to learn MS MASM, I really missed some of the features the UNISYS MASM had.  In its native mode, it assembled for the UNISYS 1100/2200 mainsframe, which had a 36-bit word.  But, we could also use it to assemble code for 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit military computers for software contracts the company had with the military industrial complex.  It could just as well have done code for a 19-bit word computer, if such a thing existed.  This was done by defining output for the target computer with "directions" implemented by "PROCs".  These PROCs, which MS calls MACROs, generated inline code instructions for the target computer.  So there is a cross terminology between MS and UNISYS.   That feature made it  sort of a user programmed assembler.  The documents below have a strong UNISYS mainframe flavor, but the assembler can be made to do other things.  Ratch    <---Read the last paragraph of this link  <----Look at section 5 of this manual.