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Started by ScorpForeva, January 12, 2005, 02:34:09 PM

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;added to (my  code (thanks for help jimh)

;i want to read file in ram and works with gdi

;but after 3 file we have error not full name in message box and edi.
;pImjump   dd offset szback<= this addres +9 inc edi ???

;how can i to do better? sorry for my english
Init_Scene        PROTO
imvol     db  7; ------------------------ bmp need create 7 files by text editor *.bmp for test or paintbrush
szback    db "back.bmp", 0 ; ôîí
szbexit   db "exit.bmp", 0
szbwin    db "win.bmp", 0
szbfull   db "full.bmp", 0
szbb640   db "640.bmp",0
szb800    db "800.bmp",0
szb1024   db "1024.bmp"
pImjump   dd  szback, szbexit, szbwin, szbfull, szbb640, szb800,szb1024;  ------------ jump table

hFile dd ? ;HANDLE
         Init_Scene proc
          xor ecx,ecx
          mov   BYTE PTR cl,imvol
          mov edi,pImjump
nextfile :    push ecx
          invoke CreateFile,edi,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL ;edi---  name file
            INVOKE MessageBox, hwnd,edi ,offset szErFile, MB_ICONERROR
            INVOKE ExitProcess, 0
              mov hFile, eax
             INVOKE  MessageBox, hwnd,edi, offset szOkFile, MB_OK
             INVOKE  CloseHandle,hFile
             pop ecx
             dec ecx
             cmp ecx,0
             je ex
             inc edi   
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi ;<======9 ????????
             jmp    nextfile
ex:             popa
         Init_Scene endp


I don't know about the rest of the inner loop (just glanced at the code), but you didn't NULL-terminate the variable, "szb1024".

szb1024    db    "1024.bmp",0


Besides what jimh said about the last filename not having a NULL terminator, the only thing I can see is the "inc edi" lines (all nine of them) should be just one add edi, 4 to move to the next string offset (which are DD values)..



null i forgert when make copy it dont nessary radasm check sintacs. add edi,4 dont work i try yet .correct jnly first name:*(


Quote from: ScorpForeva on January 12, 2005, 02:34:09 PM
szback    db "back.bmp", 0 ; ôîí
szbexit   db "exit.bmp", 0
szbwin    db "win.bmp", 0
szbfull   db "full.bmp", 0
szbb640   db "640.bmp",0
szb800    db "800.bmp",0
szb1024   db "1024.bmp"

pImjump   dd  szback, szbexit, szbwin, szbfull, szbb640, szb800,szb1024;  ------------ jump table

          mov edi,pImjump
nextfile :
          invoke CreateFile,edi,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL ;edi---  name file
             inc edi   
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi
             inc edi ;<======9 ????????
             jmp    nextfile
Look carefully. Not all of your string entries are 9 bytes apart.

After the first entry, you don't make any use of the address (not jump) table.
A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
Alan Perlis, Epigram #8


i dont understend. why ? get  main addres , used offset. when i use real mode early as jump table its  worked.


you rigth tenkey ! i must use another algoritm ! or use only 9 bytes name of file!


   Try scanning for the 0 value inside the string instead adding 9 to the pointer. That is first use the string. Then increment the pointer until it reaches a null

Thomas Antony :U :U
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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If you want to fully use the string table you've created, do this:
    mov esi, OFFSET pImjump ; get address of first table entry
    mov edi, [esi] ; get string address from table entry
    ; ... use string address by using EDI
    ; ... test for end of table
    add esi,4 ; adjust address to next table entry
    jmp nextfile
A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
Alan Perlis, Epigram #8