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Guidelines for inline asm in HLL?

Started by l_d_allan, February 21, 2006, 06:22:40 PM

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Is there a link for guidelines on using inline asm within a HLL like C/C++/Delphi etc?  Especially register usage?

I suppose this varies by compiler ... my current main interest is the Microsoft VC6 and VC7.1 compilers. I've read the vc7.1-2003 documentation, but wanted to check with the veterns on this forum.

There are situations in the innermost of bottleneck code where you KNOW a lot about the variables .... such as the buffer is exactly 32 bytes long and is 8-byte aligned .... and production/release functions have to have all kinds of overhead to handle special corner cases and ill-behaved data. That seems like a good place for
__asm MyInlineAsmCode
__asm MyInlineAsmCode
__asm MyInlineAsmCode

Does the compiler generally tend to generate prelogue and/or epilogue code if you don't follow certain conventions ... especially register usage? My understanding is that you setting your code up for error is you mess up.



Have a look at this thread for an example of using inline asm with Pelles C, it's similar to VC++ :



You can use the __declspec(naked) convention to turn off the progue-epilogue code emission , code translated to VC++ :

#include <windows.h>

__declspec(naked) char *szUpper(char *text)
mov eax,[esp+4]
dec eax
add eax, 1
cmp BYTE PTR [eax], 0
je __end
cmp BYTE PTR [eax],97 /* a=97 */
jb __repeat
cmp BYTE PTR [eax],122 /* z=122 */
ja __repeat
sub BYTE PTR [eax], 32
jmp __repeat
mov eax,[esp+4]

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
char msg[]="inline assembly programming";

return 0;


Attached is the same source code compiled with Pelles C

[attachment deleted by admin]



This much with inline assembler with VC is its register usage tends to mess up the internal optimisation that the compiler performs so if it truly speed critical code, it does make sense to write it as a seperate module and link it into the VC app rather than build it in internally. Compiler design seems to be going that way and if I have it right the 64 bit compilers do not support inline assembler.
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