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Where to start?

Started by MickD, January 06, 2006, 12:34:12 AM

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Hi All, first post here and if it needs moving to a more appropriate forum, please do.

Just wondering where to start learning assembly, I have started reading AoA (hla version) and was wondering if it's a bit too 'high level' after looking at other forms of assembly code?
I've been toying around with the C languages for a few years (weekend style ;) ) and I would really like to learn a bit more about the lower level stuff.
You see, I have this compulsive problem where I need to know how things tick and after destroying many objects in the past to see how they work,  pc's and software are my latest targets  :toothy

I know there is a plethora of info out there but a little guidence on what to read and learn would be greatly appreciated.


AoA is a very good starting point if you concentrate first on learning the very basics of assembly, such as the use of registers and access to memory. Then study some of the basic instructions as to their specific requirements for source data, the destination of the result and the effect on flags (you may be using those flags quite often).

As you become more familiar with the above, learn how to use a debugger (such as Ollydbg) and step through short simple programs (even assembled with HLA) to visualize the process. Someone will always be willing to help if you get stuck (and show that you are making an effort to learn).

Like anything new, you have to learn how to crawl on all fours first before you can walk, and you can learn how to run only after you can walk on your own. (Flying is for the birds :lol :lol :lol)

Wish you the best

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


Thankyou Raymond, and I am crawling don't worry :)
After reading the first few chapters of AoA Mr Hyde mentions-
QuoteOnce you reach a certain level of comfort with HLA's high level control structures and decide you need more power than they have to offer, it's time to move on and learn the real 80x86 instructions behind these statements.
This was what I was after really and it seems I'll get there soon enough.
Thanks again,


hello.....i have the same question.....what is AoA...and where do i get it...thanks...earl


Quote from: kb7wg on February 05, 2006, 05:05:59 PM
hello.....i have the same question.....what is AoA...and where do i get it...thanks...earl


Hellow MickD,

The best way to lern asm by sources, and ask questions.
A lot of good people are here,  and help you  :lol



thank u vortex.....i installed masm32 and hla on c drive and put them in my chapter 2 of aoa.....from c prompt i type hla -? and it works fine.....but the ml /? and link /? says not recognized......i can get them if i go to a C:\masm32\bin............but not from C:\..............what am i doing wrong?......earl


Quote from: Santa on February 05, 2006, 07:48:50 PM
Hellow MickD,

The best way to lern asm by sources, and ask questions.
A lot of good people are here,  and help you  :lol


Thanks Santa, I'm doing plenty of each ;). As I mentioned in my o.p. was finding which 'syntax' to learn and I've gone with MASM as it seems pretty popular. I'm still reading AoA for design info and skipping through Izcelions tuts fow win32 stuff. Probably the biggest problem I'm having is struggling with a few subtleties in the syntax and learning how to use a debbuger efficiently. Anyone know of any good debbuging tut's (that don't just tell you how to find places to patch!)?


Hi all.
My English is poor. But try.

Mr: MickD.
Try to make a program small.  A real program, but small.

Try chage color button, select a radio button, get focus EditText Box.
Here your brain will crash.

Reading and reading are the way. And much, much patience.

Quote from: Santa on February 05, 2006, 07:48:50 PM
and ask questions. A lot of good people are here, and help you.

Much luck friend.
You do not read more. Goto make a program (I am joking..).[/size]
By(t)e ('-').
"There is no way to peace. Peace is the way."    Mahatma Gandhi


Quote from: IAO on February 06, 2006, 09:55:30 PM
Hi all.
My English is poor. But try.

Mr: MickD.
Try to make a program small.  A real program, but small.

Try chage color button, select a radio button, get focus EditText Box.
Here your brain will crash.

Reading and reading are the way. And much, much patience.

Quote from: Santa on February 05, 2006, 07:48:50 PM
and ask questions. A lot of good people are here, and help you.

Much luck friend.
You do not read more. Goto make a program (I am joking..).[/size]
By(t)e ('-').

Thanks IOA,
I'm actually writng a very simple file encryptor that's proving to be a good learning experience.  I have a basic app working now and next will be to incorporate a password and to use fopen instead of CreateFile as I'm getting mixed results (I think) because of the flags involved with the Windows api call. After that I'll add a few tricky items such as coloured text/backgraounds in edit boxes and a status bar (even though it's to fast to see anything happen ;) ).