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ASIO wrapper (easy use of soundcard for DSP)

Started by u, November 11, 2005, 10:43:57 PM

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Still in development, just posting a snapshot of this little project. When completed, I'll make it as a .lib , with no dependancies to my * SDK.

If you don't know what ASIO is, this thread is not for you ^^ .

I converted and cleaned-up Steinberg's ugly and unclear ASIO SDK.
Frustratingly, the ASIO COM object is a mixture of COM, C++ and C-call methods...

To test the example, put a 16-bit stereo "input.wav" file in the current directory. It'll play for 13 seconds. Of course, you need an ASIO-enabled soundcard or at least the "OpenAsio" driver.
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


Hi. FYI, venerable members, I live in East Africa (Kenya), and I love Masm. Now, how can I get this ASIO wrapper? Is there a download area where it's posted...?


It would be 'attached' to the post, if it hadn't been removed almost 3 years ago.
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