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Started by shankle, November 06, 2005, 07:52:29 PM

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Changing from importing from Outlook Express 4.0 to Outlook Express 6.0 doesn't work
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


I ran into this problem with .pst's on CD's.  For only who knows why, M$ opens the source file as R/W.

Transfer them to the Hard Drive. 

Thanks M$, for such great software that makes sense.

Regards,  P1  :8)


Did as suggested and transferred directory 0e047142-0 etc to the hard drive.

Imported from 0e047142-0 etc and got my regular error.

Also tried going futher in 0e047142-0 etc. down to outlook express
and got the same error.

The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


You might need to move up the directory tree, specifying the entire Identities directory. Also, are you sure that the directories you are trying to import actually contain messages? On my current Windows 2000 system some of the directories are empty, and I seem to recall seeing empty directories under Windows 98 SE. In fact, on my current system, under the user account that I use the Identities directory under Application Data contains only empty subdirectories. The messages are actually stored in the Local Settings branch.

eschew obfuscation


Quote from: shankle on November 08, 2005, 10:29:36 PM
Also tried going futher in 0e047142-0 etc. down to outlook express
and got the same error.
Post error or Screen Dump.

I did not get this much trouble ever.  So I am thinking something else is wrong.

MichaeW and I have both asked you not to used the 'identities' directory.

Thanks,  P1  :8)


The files in 0e047142-07 etc. have data in them.
This is what the directory looks like when expanded:
        outlook express
          There are about a dozen files here.

Here is the complete error message from 6.0 Outlook Express Import:
     No messages can be found in this folder or another application is running
that has the required files open. Please select another folder or try closing
applications that may have files open.
Hope I have explained this ok.

The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


My memory isn't serving me too well here. After copying a folder containing the messages for a single identity to the root directory of drive C, to make the import work I had to:

File|Import|Messages|Microsoft Outlook Express 6|Import mail from OE6 store directory

Browse to C:{77EC2094-E46F-4196-8FDB-949BCC81A621}\Microsoft\Outlook Express and click Next

I then got a Select folders dialog.

I use OE6, but as I stated I think OE5 and OE6 use the same file format.

eschew obfuscation


Hi MichaelW,
I was able with your instructions to get the 0e047142-07etc directory to load
into my OutLook Express 6.0. My wifes e-mail and mine are mixed. I can live with it but
it would be nice to be able to separate mine from hers.
ALSO what happens when I try to load the other three identities over what's already there??????
Will the folders that have the same name in different identities overlay each other???? 
Thanks so much,

The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


Yes, when I tested just now importing from two identities, for the folders that were common to both, OE merged the messages. And thinking about this a little more I seem to remember having problems with the same message being duplicated in two identities. But you should be able to get around this by recreating the identities in OE6 and importing the messages for each identity in OE5 to the correct identity in OE6.

eschew obfuscation


I think the problem is SOLVED....

My sincere thanks to all that helped.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress



Share the process, so others may benefit, when they 'Search' for answer.

Regards,  P1  :8)


     Coincidently, I recently got a new box, and had to transfer my input folder from my old to my new.  Copying it into the C:\Documents and Settings\LogonName\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{GUID}\Microsoft\Outlook Express directory on the new box just doesn't hack it.  I think this is because OE6 uses its own internal pointer set, and only looks at the data it has manipulated.  This is especially true for the 'OE folders' like input, output, deleted items, sent items, etc.  So here is what you can do.  On the NEW box, create a new user folder with a new name like ALPHA.  Next, and this is important, copy just one message from any OE folder into ALPHA.  That causes OE to prep the folder and claim it as its favorite son.  Then terminate the OE on the new box in order to release the ALPHA folder.  Next, on the OLD box,  copy the OE input folder file from the OE directory into something like flash memory, or the transfer media of your choice.  Copy it into the ALPHA folder file on the new box.  Then fire up OE on the new box.  You should see the input messages from the old box in the ALPHA folder.  Then do a simple move using OE from the ALPHA folder to the input folder. Ratch