Gui demo to start another app with termination notification

Started by hutch--, August 26, 2005, 12:27:23 PM

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This demo shows how to run an external app asynchronously without any "shell" style procedures, wait states and the like and receive notification when the external app terminates. The price is you must be running an external app you wrote yourself as it sends a registered message using the HWND_BROADCAST handle to the system that is trapped by the calling process as termination notification.

The advantage is in a normal GUI application is that you can keep working with the calling app while the other is running asynchronously and receive notification when it has finished.

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There is no price proceding as the sample i have joined
It used  invoke FindWindow,addr ClassName,NULL
You have write it , so you know it's classname,and you got i's handle and there is no need to broadcast the message.
The sample create an atom ,that is join with the message, so the two aplications can exchange data.

; #########################################################################

.386                      ; force 32 bit code
.model flat, stdcall      ; memory model & calling convention
option casemap :none      ; case sensitive

; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Les fichiers inclus içi ,AUCUN .lib c'est au programme utilisateur
; de les fournir
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
include \masm32\include\
; include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
; include \masm32\include\
include macros.txt

; ---------------------------------------------------------
; Les PROTO sont tous regroupés dans un fichier .inc du même
; nom que la librairie .lib
;EnvoyerMessageEditmasm PROTO  :DWORD ,:DWORD

; ---------------------------------------------------------

;exemples de definitions externes

NomServeur db "EditMasm Version 2",0
MarqueurImprime db "imprime:",0;"except:",0
AtomRubrique db (MAX_PATH +1) dup (0)
MesEditmasm db "WM_EDITMASM",0
ValueMesEditmasm dd 0
ClassName       db  'EditMasm',0
HandleEditmasm  dd 0

; #########################################################################

EnvoyerMessageEditmasm PROC  adrChaine:DWORD , Handle:DWORD
Local aApp:DWORD
Local aTopic:DWORD
Local  Biatom:DWORD
Local  retour:DWORD
Local phrase[MAX_PATH]:BYTE
;Local   :DWORD
mov retour,1
.if adrChaine == 0
mov retour,0
jmp FindeEnvoyerMessageEditmasm
invoke lstrlen,adrChaine
.if eax == 0 || eax > 255 -9 ;8 +1
mov retour,0
jmp FindeEnvoyerMessageEditmasm

.if ValueMesEditmasm == 0
;demander le numéro du message au système
invoke RegisterWindowMessage,addr MesEditmasm   ;db "WM_EDITMASM",0
mov ValueMesEditmasm,eax
;échec de RegisterWindowMessage
.if ValueMesEditmasm == 0
mov retour,0
jmp FindeEnvoyerMessageEditmasm
;search handle of editmasm
.if HandleEditmasm == 0
invoke FindWindow,addr ClassName,NULL
mov HandleEditmasm,eax
.if HandleEditmasm == 0
mov retour,0
jmp FindeEnvoyerMessageEditmasm

;-------- former les atoms ------------------
invoke GlobalAddAtom,addr NomServeur
.if eax == 0
mov retour,0
jmp FindeEnvoyerMessageEditmasm
mov aApp,eax
and eax,0FFFFh
shl eax,16
mov Biatom,eax ;mot supérieur "EditMasm Version 2"
;--------------- create the data -----------------
invoke lstrcat,addr phrase,addr MarqueurImprime
invoke lstrcat,addr phrase,adrChaine
invoke GlobalAddAtom,addr phrase
.if eax == 0
invoke GlobalDeleteAtom,aApp
mov retour,0
jmp FindeEnvoyerMessageEditmasm
mov aTopic,eax
and eax,0FFFFh
add Biatom,eax
;------------ the HWND_BROADCAST is not necessary --------
invoke SendMessage,HandleEditmasm,ValueMesEditmasm,Handle,Biatom
invoke GlobalDeleteAtom,aApp
invoke GlobalDeleteAtom,aTopic

mov eax,retour
EnvoyerMessageEditmasm endp

; #########################################################################