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wdasm893 renders 100% CPU. normal??

Started by M4D45M, August 11, 2005, 12:23:45 PM

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hi there.
I got a problem..

I have an AMD 2000+ (Palomino Core) CPU,
which has usually 55 to 60 °C.
So I hate that wdasm renders 100% CPU, cuz the temperatue increases steadily.

The CPU usage is only 100% if I'm not using a control at the moment (scrollbar, menu, etc.)
and the 100% CPU usage doesn't apear immediately, - only after I clicked on a String or an API-call to find.

Can anybody tell me if it's normal that wdasm renders 100% CPU.
If it is: why the the fuck is this so ?? (I can't seem to find any reason for this)
can't I get around this ?

If it's not: Does anybody know where the problem could be?

And last but not least: If this is the wrong place to ask for this, I must apologize.
but can anybody pleaze forward me then to somewhere else.

so thank you guys for listening.


Because disassembling is not an easy task. Especially when you are attempting to do it on gigantic files.


They probably forgot to put some sleep() when idling.


Its nrmal for an application that is run by itself to take 100% by task manager but if you run another task of the same priority, it should start to reduce the wdasm percentage. There is a good tool on the Sysinternals site for testing the actual percentages each process uses.
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He's right, W32Dasm is using 99% cpu even after finishing dissasembly.
It's normal for that app  :P
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back again..
thanx for interest.

to "roticv": it's like "Ghirai" discovered: It uses 100% CPU while it should be idle.

I already know of the task priority thing,
but I wondered if anybody knows a workaround for wdasm or some patch / bugfix etc.

or perhaps another user-friendly dissambler.

I don't wanna bug you, but if anybody already knows some solution, plz post!

thanx in advance.


I think the real problem here is that you need better cooling on your cpu  :lol


it is indeed a problem w32dasm
it does show 99% CPU usage, but it has no real effect on the system, it is as if it was idle
maybe u can check patches by Bratalarm


Yeah, i'm using his latest patch, same thing.
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