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Get The function parameter

Started by Farabi, August 05, 2005, 12:43:00 PM

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I have a function like this

MyFunction proc x:dword,y:dword,status:dword

MyFunction endp

MyFunction2 proc x:dword,y:dword,status:dword

MyFunction2 endp

And I put the address as a linier value

Mov esi,virtual_table
mov eax,offset MyFunction
mov edc,offset MyFunction2
mov [esi],eax
mov [esi+4],edx

If I want to call the function, how to pass the parameter?
I have try to use pop but it failed.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Unless I have missed something, if the procedures are normal STDCALL, you push them in reverse order then call the procedure if you want manual control of wat you are calling. Get the address from the virtual table for the proc you want to call, push the arguments in reverse order like normal and call the address.

push status
push y
push x
call MyFunctionAddress
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call DWORD PTR [esi+8]
..or whichever offset you want.

The parameters will go on the stack in reverse order, as usual.

I don't know if there is a way to use invoke with a function pointer.
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Sure is, I have published a couple of new ones recently but there is an existing on in the masm32 main macro file. They use EXTERNDEF format.
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