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poasm vs ml; polink vs link

Started by abnuque, April 17, 2012, 11:22:03 PM

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Hi guys,

I am confused, what's the difference between ml.exe & poasm.exe?
What's the difference between polink.exe & link.exe?

When should I use one over the other?


Well, you don't have to choose one over the other. MASM (ML.EXE) is certainly the largest use but you have other choices as well with assemblers that use the traditional Intel notation, MASM, POASM and JWASM will all do this fine. The main advantage of MASM is its very large user base and for people learning assembler, this means far better support.
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PoAsm and PoLink are components of Pelle's C compiler package

Masm (ML.exe) and Link come from microsoft

i haven't used PoAsm much, but my understanding is that he has recently done some work on it and it's becoming more and more robust
PoLink is a handy little linker
one difference between PoLink and MS Link is that PoLink will accept RES files for resources, whereas Link wants an OBJ file
another difference is that PoLink can make smaller EXE's although, with the right switches, Link can do the same

as Hutch mentioned, there are other assembler/linker packages out there, as well
JwAsm is very compatible with Masm syntax
GoAsm has a little different syntax, but also has some neat features
Nasm, Fasm, etc - different syntax
HLA - high level assembler - takes the sting out of it for you, but not really assembler then, is it   :P
i think HLA is great for students who have to get up and going quickly with minimal learn-time

in this forum, i think most of us use Masm, JwAsm, or GoAsm


What !?
Doesn't anybody use A86/D86 ?

I love making retro-programs (.com) with a86.
D86 is a fun little disassembler, too.  :dance:


wow, Steve
that guy (probably a nice guy and all) wants $80 for obsolete stuff   :P


Quote from: dedndave on April 18, 2012, 03:04:38 AM
that guy (probably a nice guy and all) wants $80 for obsolete stuff   :P

I know.
It's an outrageous price.
But, the A86/D86 is free to download, that's the fun version.

When ever I want to play around with interrupts and dos (.com) programs, it's a good toy to play with.
A86 is stupid simple to use.
I have a lot of old Assembly books that I crack open once in a while.


I am using Pelles C since I really like the IDE (I also use RadASM for developing a device driver).

However, I was surprised that after a bug was found ( he hasn't been responsive to confirm that.

Except that, I concur with the others here that the exe is actually smaller.


Quote from: shlomok on April 18, 2012, 06:51:35 AM
Except that, I concur with the others here that the exe is actually smaller.

It's polink.exe, Pelles linker creating smaller executables.

There are some differences between how Masm and Poasm are interpreting the macro statements.


Thanks a lot, now I have better view of these things. I will be sticking with MASM32 for a while.
Thanks. :cheekygreen: