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Copy directory

Started by AxelMtE, March 28, 2012, 01:35:22 PM

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Hi guys,
I'm new and also i'm a kind of beginner in assembly....
I got a question that  I wasn't able to solve by myself: I'd like to copy a folder and everything contained inside (even subbfolder)...
I tought i'm working on windows  and  I don't care of portability issues why not use APIS??
So that I started searching .. I figured out that the best answer is this Function SHFileOperation
OK now i went on MSDN and I checked out how it works (I also checked SHFILEOPSTRUCT structure I need to fill it before  use SHFileOperation of course)
but "googling" around I found ;"recycle.asm" written by Hutch and I gave a look at it And "MAGICALLY" I found a procedure that could help me a bit So  I modified the procedure like that But it still don't have a nice result

I Used this procedure

CopyDir proc pszFullPath:DWORD,pszFullPathDestination:DWORD
mov fo.hwnd, NULL
mov fo.wFunc, FO_COPY
m2m fo.pFrom, pszFullPath ; <-- member is also a double-null terminated string and is handled in much the same way
m2m fo.pTo, pszFullPathDestination    ; <-- member is also a double-null terminated string and is handled in much the same way
mov fo.fFlags,FOF_SILENT   ;<-- I hate progress dialog box
invoke SHFileOperation,ADDR fo
CopyDir endp

If there is a gentleman or gentlewoman that is able to help me I would appreciate it :)

Nothing guys I've already solved by myself!! so the piece of code it's correct at all and it works
CopyDir it's prototyped like this -> CopyDir PROTO :DWORD, :DWORD
m2m macro I used this:

m2m MACRO M1, M2
push M2
pop M1

Could someone correct me the attachment file (it's the source) in order to see where I'm  wrong cos each singular function works!