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how to improve searching.

Started by minor28, February 06, 2012, 02:09:19 PM

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From a file I load allocated memory with a list of zero terminated words and a jump table.

To search a certain word in the list I have following code (a subfunction). The start address of the word I am searching is in esi.

mov ebx,pJmpTable
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx]

push esi
cmp byte ptr [edi],0 ;end of a word
je @found
je @B
add ebx,4
cmp dword ptr [ebx],0 ;end of jump table
je @notfound
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx]
pop esi
jmp @next

add esp,4
mov eax,TRUE


add esp,4
mov eax,FALSE 


Any suggestions for improvements are greatly appreciated.


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Sort your word list, index the start of each word, then use a binary search - you'll find any word within 15 string comparisons (most of which will early-out because their first characters don't match.)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


if the list  is dynamically changing, it is maybe better to use a binary search tree.
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Thank you for your answers.

I guess this is a binary search. This reduces speed to one fifth. The list is static during a search.

EDIT: sorry the speed is decresed to 8% not 20%.

Any suggestions for improvements are greatly appreciated.

mov wSize,ecx ;size of word
mov offs,0

mov ebx,pJmpTable

xor ecx,ecx
mov eax,noWords ;number of words in jump table
inc cl
shr eax,cl
add eax,eax
add eax,eax
add ebx,eax
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx] ;word from jump table
xor eax,eax
mov eax,offs ;char offset of word to search
mov al,byte ptr [esi + eax]
mov dl,byte ptr [edi]
sub al,dl
cmp al,0
jne @checkchar

inc offs
mov eax,wSize
cmp offs,eax
je @checkresult
inc edi
jmp @B

mov offs,0
add sbyte ptr al,dl
.if al>='a' && al<='z'
sub al,20h
.if dl>='a' && dl<='z'
sub dl,20h
cmp al,dl
jl @below
mov eax,noWords
inc cl
shr eax,cl
add eax,eax
add eax,eax
cmp eax,0
je @notfound
add ebx,eax
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx]
jmp @B

mov eax,noWords
inc cl
shr eax,cl
add eax,eax
add eax,eax
cmp eax,0
je @notfound
sub ebx,eax
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx]
jmp @B

add esi,offs
cmp byte ptr [esi],20h ;acceptible word separator
je @F
cmp byte ptr [esi],0
je @F
mov eax,FALSE


mov eax,TRUE



Your code could probably be cleaned up and optimized a bit, but I don't think it would give any significant improvement.

From what it looks like you're doing, it might be better to use a hash table.
Although, note that while a non-matching hash indicates the string definitely isn't there, a matching hash only tells you the string is probably there - you still need to check that it is the same string to be certain. But the hash table could index into the list, so checking wouldn't be a full search.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Thank you. I will clean up a bit. A hash table. I have seen code using it but I don't know how to use it. I will read about it. I am satisfied with the solution of the search problem.


For those interessted. I discovered that the search does not always converge properly.

To solve that you have to complete acordingly. I have also change to a search function
where pJumpTbl is a pointer to jump table, cWords is number of pointers, pSearchedWord
is pointer to word to search and wSize is number och characters in search word.

SearchInList proc pJumpTbl:dword,cWords:dword,pSearchedWord:dword,wSize:dword
LOCAL offs:dword
LOCAL count:dword

push edi
push esi
push ebx

;word to search in word list
mov esi,pSearchedWord

mov offs,0

mov ebx,pJumpTbl

xor ecx,ecx
mov eax,cWords
        shr eax,1
mov count,eax
add eax,eax
add eax,eax
add ebx,eax
;word item in word list
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx]

mov eax,offs
mov al,byte ptr [esi + eax] ;char in search word
mov dl,byte ptr [edi] ;char in list word
cmp al,dl
jne @checkchar

inc offs
mov eax,wSize
cmp offs,eax
je @checkresult
inc edi
jmp @B

.if al>='a' && al<='z'
sub al,20h
.if dl>='a' && dl<='z'
sub dl,20h
cmp al,dl
jg @above
jl @below
inc offs
mov eax,offs
cmp eax,wSize
je @notfound
inc edi
mov dl,byte ptr [edi]
mov al,byte ptr [esi + eax]
jmp @checkchar

mov offs,0
mov eax,count ;calculate number of words above
sub cWords,eax
mov eax,cWords
shr eax,1
mov count,eax
add eax,eax
add eax,eax
cmp eax,0
je @notfound
add ebx,eax
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx]
jmp @B

mov offs,0
mov eax,count ;calculate number of words below
mov cWords,eax
shr eax,1
mov count,eax
add eax,eax
add eax,eax
cmp eax,0
je @notfound
sub ebx,eax
mov edi,dword ptr [ebx]
jmp @B

add esi,offs
.if byte ptr [esi]==20h && byte ptr [edi + 1]==0
je @found
.elseif byte ptr [esi]==0 && byte ptr [edi + 1]==0
je @found

xor eax,eax

pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi


mov eax,offs

pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi


SearchInList endp