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Origin of Language English(United States)

Started by Magnum, November 18, 2011, 04:14:42 AM

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When looking at the Version info of a program that has a manifest, where does the
Language English(United States) come from ?

I am guessing that maybe it's the Translation value below ??

Can you add other Values in ?

    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
        BLOCK "040904b0"
            VALUE "CompanyName", "(c) Siege_Works 2011"
            VALUE "FileDescription", "USB_Watcher.exe"
            VALUE "FileVersion", "7.0"
            VALUE "InternalName", "USB_Watcher.exe"
            VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(c) QHR"
            VALUE "OriginalFilename", "USB_Watcher.exe"
    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
        VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200

Have a great day,



QuoteBLOCK "040904b0"
0409h = U.S. English (1033)
04b0h = Unicode (1200)

And similarly with
QuoteVALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200

You should be able to add multiple entries and the one that most closely matches the locale will be shown.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Have a great day,


English (United States) tends to appear on many websites (especially big name American brands) with 'proper' English omitted on the dropdowns :lol.... Maybe it's time that America got on an stole it properly rather than doing a half-arsed job of it.... Call it 'American'.... :lol
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


well, we stole it from you guys, along with everything else we stole - lol
hell - we get our best jokes from Poland   :lol
although, we try not to discriminate - we get many from Israel, France, Germany, Sweden, and so on

as for the language we use - it seems that Spanish is quite popular, lately   :P
we didn't steal it from Spain, however
it was imported by illegal aliens from Mexico and Puerto Rico
they stole it from Spain - or, more correctly, it was thrust upon them by early "explorers"

quite frankly, it appears as though we do not have an "official" language
as taxpayers, we have to pay for all kinds of signs and documentation printed in Spanish
then, we have to pay for it to be mailed to us, whether or not we need or want it
then, they tell us the fricken post office is going out of business (probably due to mismanagement)

maybe we should move to Spain
then, we can force them to speak English   :bg
all will be right with the world
eventually, the people in Mexico and Puerto Rico will have to speak English
and the Spanish-speaking population of the US will be on the short end of the stick, again


The use of Spanish reflects the increasing language usage among the population. It's simply a pragmatic decision.
Many parts of Canada have a large French population, and so the official languages are both English and French.
In South Africa there ELEVEN official languages :dazzled:

Leave out the xenophobia ::)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Quote from: Tedd on November 21, 2011, 05:37:35 PM
In South Africa there ELEVEN official languages :dazzled:
Speak 2, can understand 3 to 6 others (very similar dialects)

I suppose it depends on who breeds the fastest - bunch of rabid rabbits


Quote from: vanjast on November 22, 2011, 10:11:01 PM
I suppose it depends on who breeds the fastest - bunch of rabid rabbits

Explain, please.


Quote from: Tedd on November 21, 2011, 05:37:35 PM
Leave out the xenophobia ::)

I teach an English class and often have to explain to students that "English US" is not entirely the same as proper English....

Take for example the word aeroplane.... In American this is stunted to airplane.... There are many similar differences noted especially when talking to students of specific nationalities....

The xenophobia is when US corporations only include "English US" as the software language and omit "English" :lol
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking