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Started by Farabi, October 21, 2011, 01:26:00 PM

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Khadafi has lost. Died in battle. Once again, western shown their superiority again against all culture. Like all of the kingdom rules since the begining of time, the begining of living thing on the universe, the winner got what they saw. We are withness, of your decicion, your action, your rule. Please, do what you think good. When I say, anything, I mean anything.
What has happened this day, will be passed on generation to generation, on every version, in every location, burried deep down the ground, on the cave, written, encoded, sculpting onto CD, sent through cable, wireless, everything. History, of a country, gaining knowledge, yet once shown wisdom, sometime greed. Each word they said, documented, unconsiusly, written, withouth their consent, some passed down, some gone by the time flow.
I'll burry this message on the ground, deep down, waiting someone someday hear the story, of a country, struggling against their enemy, helping the Jews when they almost extinct, Iran when they attacked by Iraq, and other country.

This story, written as it this, with proudness of what they did, where they will not deny of this story, of liberalism, free speech, prosprious, knowledable, wisdom, greed, discrimination, justice, friendship, forgiveness, helpfull, and other thing as a mere human.

Onan Farabi.

We have lost, once again, knowledge and wisdom, showed its fang. Arogancies brought destruction, humbling brough cure for anger.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking



Quote from: ONAN FARABIWhen I say, anything, I mean anything.
...I'm going to make this my new mantra,...

All kidding aside,...Onan,...a very evocative statement,...


Done with the image in mind of Lady McBeth trying to wash the blood off her hands, Libya looks like a LOSE, LOSE situation. No-one cared much about Gaddafi but with NATO attacking the country, you end up with a provisional government leader who is ex Al Queda and a component of the government that is radical Islamist. The shadow of poor old Saddam looms large here where the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know, Gaddafi was an old fool but he could be contained, PHUK knows what will happen with the next lot.  :P

Perhaps the most appropriate comment is done with a seriously fake Chicago gangster accent, "OILZ ain't OILZ."
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Quote from: jj2007 on October 21, 2011, 06:34:58 PM
He had OIL

possible caption.....

"is that lilac i smell ?"


The western powers had the airpower to initiate a takeover. The real battle of any war, is won by the ground troops and these were the Lybians themselves.
Agreed without the airpower it would have been a longer and more bloody battle, but the Colonel was always on his way out - He was too old and 'slow moving'.
He 'fought bravely' right until the end and for this he can be commended. There is a 'new force', so to speak, taking over the Islamic world. Whether this is good or bad, we'll find out.

In africa, the older animals are eaten by the young lions. The rest of the world still has to learn this.


$200 Billion,...estimated amount of Khadafi's hidden wealth (As Libya Takes Stock, Moammar Kadafi's Hidden Riches Astound)
10.000 NATO sorties over seven months (Kadafi Slain Against a Backdrop of NATO Support)


So I guess the worlds rich list (with bill gates at the top) is like the top500 supercomputer list.... Just a few declared rich people but not the richest by far in reality.... :lol....

I'm beginning to wonder if the US is REALLY the worlds only superpower or whether Poland is actually richer and more powerful....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Why exactly are we happy that Al Quaeda  has taken control of Lybia?

I mean the rebels leaders where (are?) from Al Quaeda.

Are they now the  good guys not that Bin Laden is death?

Is interesting how screw the politics of the world are. NATO (read the USA) helping AlQuaeda take up Lybia.

Every day, wonderland seem to make more and more sense than the world we live in.


I think what worries me is the shift in international law, get some motion through the UN security council and you can go barging into someone elses country and smash the PHUK out of it with some bullshit excuse about saving civilians when the attacks actually kills more civilians.

After the NATO attack on Yugoslavia, the Russians went into Chechnya and did the same, Grosny looked like Dresden after they had finished with it. China's put down of dissent in Tibet was not as dramatic but was equally heavy handed and the point is if the western countries can do it, so can anyone else.

With the successful assasination of an old fool like Gaddafi following on the heels of Bin Laden, international law is dead and the law of the jungle rules.
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FRAUD!!!!!! Set up for the benefit of the UK population. AKA, propaganda.

I wonder what Tony the Cronie thinks of the death of one of his closest family friends??  :lol

What amazes me more is not the fact we are lied to on a regular basis, but that they are so damn obvious with it, and yet no-one notices or cares? It is almost a joke to the Government to say "we are setting you up" in extremely clear language, and yet no-one spots it. It happens and passes by as if nothing happened.


I think it shows that for all the promotion of our "democracy" nobody trusts it.... The theory goes that you wouldn't lie like that to your constituants because otherwise they would trade with Libya (because of the good relationship) etc.... Just as you would not lie to your friends because otherwise they may make bad decisions based on your lies....

In reality no-one trusts our own government so it uses that mistrust to further it's own position of national interest (ie us or them but the BBC paints them as worse) whilst furthering it's own interests lieing to it's own people....

I can not vote because the politicians are unable to meet a certain level of morality I require to support them.... I would not shake a politician by the hand :lol....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


USA leaded by a greed politician, but THanks God, their people are wise. If it is not, we're dead for sure. Believe it or not, Torah is the cause for all of the justice.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Quote from: Farabi on October 26, 2011, 02:15:14 PM
USA leaded by a greed politician, but THanks God, their people are wise. If it is not, we're dead for sure. Believe it or not, Torah is the cause for all of the justice.

Russian Strategic Rocket Forces is the cause for all of the justice.
Strike while the iron is hot - Бей утюгом, пока он горячий