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Rookie mistake: spot the error

Started by NoCforMe, October 11, 2011, 10:42:00 AM

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ok - i wasn't counting the code i didn't write   :P


Guys, guys, guys: You're completely missing the point. You can't see the forest for the trees.

The code I posted doesn't work correctly. There's a glaring error in it (hence the "rookie mistake"). I finally fixed it, and I posted this as a possible help to others.

It wasn't intended as an exercise on how to generate the absolute smallest code.

I gave you a problem with changing a tire on a car and you all responded with stuff on quantum mechanics. Sheesh.

So class, can anyone tell me what the problem was with my code? (BTW, the structure is a LOCAL, but it doesn't make any difference.)


Quote from: NoCforMe on October 11, 2011, 06:14:39 PM
It wasn't intended as an exercise on how to generate the absolute smallest code.

So class, can anyone tell me what the problem was with my code?

It wasn't small enough?
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


jj, I didn't realize it was a pissing competition.   :red

The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


Quote from: NoCforMe on October 11, 2011, 06:14:39 PM
Guys, guys, guys: You're completely missing the point. You can't see the forest for the trees.

The code I posted doesn't work correctly. There's a glaring error in it (hence the "rookie mistake"). I finally fixed it, and I posted this as a possible help to others.

It wasn't intended as an exercise on how to generate the absolute smallest code.

I gave you a problem with changing a tire on a car and you all responded with stuff on quantum mechanics. Sheesh.

So class, can anyone tell me what the problem was with my code? (BTW, the structure is a LOCAL, but it doesn't make any difference.)


; First, zero out entire structure:
LEA EDI, ofn
MOV ofn.lStructSize, ECX ;Stuff length while we have it.
REP STOSB ;Zero it out.

the problem that i see is that you set the lStructSize member, then overwrite it with 0(s)
that probably generates an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER or ERROR_INVALID_DATA error


Not even close, and no cigar.

Wow, maybe it wasn't that glaring an error after all. As I said, I was banging my head against the keyboard for a good half hour before I spotted it.

Hint: the error I got back from GetOpenFileName() was CDERR_STRUCTSIZE. (That's too big a hint, actually. And you have to call CommDlgExtendedError() to retrieve the error code.)

@Dave: Bingo! You got it. (Actual error is shown above.)


Quote from: drizz on October 11, 2011, 06:23:32 PM
jj, I didn't realize it was a pissing competition.   :red

Quote from: dedndave on October 11, 2011, 11:37:28 AM
of course, we shouldn't do this in the campus, but it's fun   :bg

OK, maybe you are right that we shouldn't play such games in the Campus. The Forum rules clearly say it's a humour-free zone :red

Therefore, for all those who want to learn assembly in the Campus (OP code):

MOV ofn.lStructSize, ECX ;Stuff length while we have it. <<< that's ok

LEA EDI, ofn      ; that points to the same memory as ofn.lStructSize
REP STOSB      ; and here we mercilessly overwrite the ecx value

Still, those who want to write correct and elegant code should study Dave's example. Even in the Campus :bg


Quotethe problem that i see is that you set the lStructSize member, then overwrite it with 0(s)

i thought that's what i said   :P


Yes, the co-winners are jj and Dave. You may collect your prize (a brand-new shrink-wrapped copy of DOS 3.1) as you leave.

By the way, I vote in favor of fun, at all times. We can do things the correct way, or we can do things the fun way ...


Quote from: NoCforMe on October 11, 2011, 06:14:39 PM
Guys, guys, guys: You're completely missing the point. You can't see the forest for the trees.

The code I posted doesn't work correctly.

We surely saw the forest. All examples posted work correctly, and yes everybody saw the "glaring mistake" but nobody in here smokes cigars  :wink


... and as we all know, the direction flag is a constant :wink
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


seeing as we are on the subject of the OPENFILENAME structure size   :bg

if you look on MSDN, it is defined as
typedef struct tagOFN {
  DWORD         lStructSize;
  HWND          hwndOwner;
  HINSTANCE     hInstance;
  LPCTSTR       lpstrFilter;
  LPTSTR        lpstrCustomFilter;
  DWORD         nMaxCustFilter;
  DWORD         nFilterIndex;
  LPTSTR        lpstrFile;
  DWORD         nMaxFile;
  LPTSTR        lpstrFileTitle;
  DWORD         nMaxFileTitle;
  LPCTSTR       lpstrInitialDir;
  LPCTSTR       lpstrTitle;
  DWORD         Flags;
  WORD          nFileOffset;
  WORD          nFileExtension;
  LPCTSTR       lpstrDefExt;
  LPARAM        lCustData;
  LPCTSTR       lpTemplateName;
#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
  void          *pvReserved;
  DWORD         dwReserved;
  DWORD         FlagsEx;

the new members apply to everything windows 2000 and above
however, the file defines the structure without them

if you refer to this post, you will see that i hard-code the size value so that it assembles the same if is updated


Quote from: qWord on October 11, 2011, 06:42:14 PM
... and as we all know, the direction flag is a constant :wink

Good point, and I thought of that as I was coding this: what if someone leaves the direction flag set?

Made me think that, while I've never seen the innards of Windows code (I mean the OS), I imagine every place that uses string moves/stores/scans probably does something like this:


(operation involving STOSx, SCASx, MOVSx, CMPSx}


in order to "bulletproof" it, don't you think?


By default, the direction flag is cleared. If you have to set it (rare case), it's your duty to clear it on exit. You would use cld, not a slow pushfd/popfd pair.


it's part of the ABI definition - that the DF should remain cleared
in fact, some API functions will hang or have other problems if called with it set - some get really slow

as a side note, instructions that set or clear this flag (POPFD, CLD, STD) execute surprisingly slow

if i am interested in speed, i will sometimes test the flag bit, executing CLD only if it is set