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Browse For File Button Inside Textbox

Started by fearless, September 27, 2011, 12:57:01 AM

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Im been trying to create a browse ... button inside a textbox, for browsing for a file. I looked at combobox inside listview subitems ( as a rough example of how i might go about this task, but im kinda stuck. So im wondering if anyone can point out what i may be missing. I can see the button appear at the right of the textbox inside it, and it disappears when focus is lost (kinda stumbled on it working), but button only shows a single . instead of ... and does not seem to be clickable. Not sure if i have the coding for the subclassed proc correct, ive tried various combinations, and also not sure if checking for EN_KILLFOCUS is the right way to remove the button. So here is the relevant code, with the IDC_ModxInstaller (CONST ID) and hModxInstaller (GetDlgItem handle) textbox being the control in question.

    .elseif eax==WM_COMMAND
mov eax, wParam
shr eax, 16
mov wNotify_code, eax   
mov eax,wParam
and eax,0FFFFh
.IF eax == IDC_CboModxDifficulty
    .IF wNotify_code == CBN_SELCHANGE
        Invoke SendMessage, hCboModxDifficulty, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0
        .IF eax == 0 ; easy
            Invoke SetDlgItemText, hWin, IDC_ModxEstimateTime, CTEXT("5 Minutes")
        .ELSEIF eax == 1 ; intermediate
            Invoke SetDlgItemText, hWin, IDC_ModxEstimateTime, CTEXT("15+ Minutes")
        .ELSEIF eax == 2 ; advanced       
            Invoke SetDlgItemText, hWin, IDC_ModxEstimateTime, CTEXT("30+ Minutes")

; This is the control i want to add the ... browse button to
.ELSEIF eax == IDC_ModxInstaller
    .IF wNotify_code == EN_SETFOCUS
                        invoke SendDlgItemMessage, hModxInstaller, 999, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
                        invoke SendMessage, hModxInstaller, EM_GETRECT, 0, Addr rect

                        mov edx, rect.right
                        sub edx, 42
                        sub, 2
                        invoke CreateWindowEx, NULL, CTEXT("Button"), CTEXT("..."), 50010000h, edx,, 42, 18, hModxInstaller, 999, hInstance, NULL
                        mov ebx,eax
                        invoke SetWindowLong,ebx,GWL_WNDPROC, OFFSET BrowseFileProc
                        mov pBrowseFileOldProc,eax

    .ELSEIF wNotify_code == EN_KILLFOCUS
        invoke SendDlgItemMessage, hModxInstaller, 999, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0

And here is my messy sublcassed proc for the browse button

BrowseFileProc  PROC hWin:HWND, iMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
    ;mov  eax,iMsg
    ;.if eax==WM_KILLFOCUS
    ;    invoke SendMessage,hWin,WM_CLOSE,0,0

    invoke GetWindowLong, hWin, GWL_USERDATA
    invoke CallWindowProc, [eax+pBrowseFileOldProc], hWin, iMsg, wParam, lParam
      mov eax,TRUE
;mov  eax, FALSE

BrowseFileProc endp

Any help at all would be great, or even a similar example, or just info on what im missing. Thanks in advance.


Bad BrowseFileProc
BrowseFileProc  PROC hWin:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
   .if uMsg == ..
   .elseif uMsg == ..
       invoke CallWindowProc,pBrowseFileOldProc, hWin, iMsg, wParam, lParam      
BrowseFileProc endp


Thanks, the button shows correctly now, but unfortunately still doesnt click or respond to a click - i tried adding WM_COMMAND to the BrowseFileProc to show a message box on succesful click, but nothing happens. Any ideas?


in the documentation for WM_COMMAND, at the beginning of the Remarks section, there is a small table...
Message Source  wParam (high word)  wParam (low word)               lParam

Menu            0                   Menu identifier (IDM_*)     0
Accelerator     1                   Accelerator identifier (IDM_*)  0
Control         Control-defined     Control identifier              Handle to the
                notification code                                   control window

Buttons are in the Control catagory - not the same as a Menu Item   :P

the Control-defined notification code you are interested in is BN_CLICKED

so, when you receive a WM_COMMAND message:
1) examine the high word of wParam to see if it is a BN_CLICKED notification
2) if it is, examine the low word of wParam to see if it matches the button ID

you can use MOVZX to extend the word-sized parameters into dwords
        movzx   eax,word ptr wParam+2  ;EAX = wParam high word
        cmp     eax,BN_CLICKED
        jnz     message_handled_or_next_test

        movzx   edx,word ptr wParam    ;EAX = wParam low word
        cmp     edx,ButtonID
        jz      button_clicked_code

of course, you can use an IF/ELSE/ELSEIF/ENDIF structure if you like

if you are not handling many WM_COMMAND messages or do not have many buttons, it may be more efficient to test directly
        cmp word ptr wParam+2,BN_CLICKED
        cmp word ptr wParam,ButtonID

not sure how you do that with IF/ELSE/ELSEIF/ENDIF structures   :P


Maybe I have missed something but what is wrong with using a container window and putting BOTH the edit control and the button in the container but with neither over the other ? Whichever occurs first in the control creation order will have priority over the next control, they should not overlap each other at all.
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Thanks drizz, great find.. Looking at that example, it seems there is more to inserting a button than i first thought, have to play around with the code a bit :D

Thanks to everyone else as well, i had a play around with some of the code and was thinking of just leaving the browse button outside of the editbox as i would normally do, but this example gives me renewed hope :D


Thanks to everyone else as well, i had a play around with some of the code and was thinking of just leaving the browse button outside of the editbox as i would normally do, but this example gives me renewed hope :D
No more Hope,here is a simple sample in masm


HeditProc proc uses ebx hCtl:DWORD,uMsg,wParam,lParam

.if uMsg == WM_COMMAND
HIWORD wParam,edx ;évènements des contrôles edx
LOWORD wParam,eax ;IDentificateurs de  commandes eax
mov ebx,lParam ; handle du controle
.if ebx == Hbutton

invoke MessageBox,NULL,SADR("From button in edit"),SADR("Hello !"),MB_OK
xor eax,eax ;la valeur de retour

invoke CallWindowProc,lpHeditProc,hCtl,uMsg,wParam,lParam
HeditProc endp

ouch !


Ouch ?

just add the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style to the edit control to avoid a half blank button when the edit is in use.


hi Yves,
i was refering to this part...
        .if uMsg == WM_COMMAND
                HIWORD wParam,edx ;évènements des contrôles edx
                LOWORD wParam,eax ;IDentificateurs de  commandes eax
                mov ebx,lParam ; handle du controle
                .if ebx == Hbutton

it might be better to test the notification code and control ID than the handle   :bg
otherwise, it is a nice example   :U


it might be better to test the notification code and control ID than the handle   
otherwise, it is a nice example
Seems that  Microsoft don't agree with that.The handle is granted  UNIQUE (recommended usage)
Don't see what is a notification code with the WM_COMMAND ?
notification code is in the WM_NOTIFY message.


Also, WM_NOTIFY should be processed After WM_COMMAND

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Quote from: PBrennick on September 28, 2011, 11:09:00 PM
Also, WM_NOTIFY should be processed After WM_COMMAND

hmm interesting.... Sorry to divert from the post but what is the WM processing ordering issue?

Update: PS. I did not read the code maybe I misunderstood contextually
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