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Mid-Life Crisis !!!

Started by baltoro, August 24, 2011, 12:33:41 AM

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Well,...actually, I'm so old, that it seems more like an After-Life Crisis,...
I'm experiencing EXTREME boredom. Nothing is fun anymore,...(Uh, Huh,...)
I read somewhere that some middle aged guy started a twitter account in which he masquerades as a lesbian,...
...Which I thought was pathetic,...but, it gave me an idea,...
So, I started a twitter account. Very Exciting. I have ZERO followers.
Then I had an inspiration: I have proclaimed fatwas. Lots of them. Against the powers that be,...

Dave Letterman
Global Warming
Weaponized Ebola
Sarah Palin
The Debt Crisis
Whoever Killed Rock N' Roll
Corporate Greed and Their Lawyers
...and, even,...
Endangered Species

What do you guys do with your mid-life crises ???
I could use some creative input.


as i understand it, some guys buy sports cars
i have a hard time getting in and out of the damned things
i am 6'3" and don't bend in all the places that i used to, i married a much younger woman, instead   :lol



Take up a hobby or 3, assembler programming is a good start, by a pushbike and see the world at an understandable pace, take up house restoration, it lasts forever, find yourself a blonde (brunette if you are desperate), do something truly disgusting, join a gym and get super fit and even worse, learn to eat well and only healthy food (I am working on that one myself once I learn to cook properly), develop voluntary senile decay (I don't remember ever making a mistake) and the list goes on to eternity.

The meaning of life is what you do with it, sit introspecting at your navel while blowing a joint and that is the meaning of life, start downhill ski-ing down Mount Everest and if you make it thats the meaning of life. Most settle for something inbetween.  :P
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QuoteMost settle for something inbetween.

navel skiing, anyone ?


> navel skiing, anyone ?

This conjures up images of someone water-skiing behind an aircraft carrier.  :bg
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you Aussies are strange
i had a wholllllllle different visual going on   :bdg

from the movie "Armageddon"

Bill Cravener

I've never had the time for a mid-life crisis nor have I ever quite understood what a mid-life crisis is. I gave marriage a ten year try long ago but just wasn't my cup of tea. I know men who go thru something where they can't handle aging find a younger woman and their wives they lived with for 40-50 years divorce them take everything he's worked for all his life and before long the younger woman leaves him too. So I guess it most be some kind of hormone thing. :bg
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Hmm,...well, I've been giving it some thought, and, doing some research. There are some serious Freudian/narcissistic implications.
I feel the need to develop the full spectrum of malignant psychological disorders,...degenerating eventually into a fullblown pathological dementia,... :eek

Funny, how everything that I read emphasizes the common nature of the mid-life crisis being dissatisfaction with your near-death marital status and the absolute necessity of seducing a beautiful, young woman as the only reliable cure (or, as Hutch so eloquently put it,...find yourself a blondie,...a brunette if you are desperate).

I was thinking of getting into therapy until I read this (from Dennis Miller): "Now, I've had some great therapists in my life, and I've also had some who left me questioning their credentials. No doubt the worst was Doctor Cletus, a Jungian in bib overalls who, while I poured out the most intimate details of my very existence, would thumb through back-issues of "Guns & Ammo" magazine, occasionally glancing over at me, giggling and muttering, 'Man, that is some weird-ass shit.'"


i am reminded of the movie "The Matrix"

while pondering your mid-life issues, consider the little kid that bends spoons....

"There is no spoon."   :U


DAVE !!!
...Ah,...yeah,...I see your point,... :eek
Meds !!! The asnwer is meds,...I'm sure that's the optimal solution,... :eek



i got greedy and took both pills - oops !


This might interesting.

Dopamine : Natural ways to Increase Dopamine Levels

Dopamine is an excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter, depending on the dopamine receptor it binds to. It is derived from the amino acid tyrosine. Dopamine is the precursor to norepinephrine and epinephrine, which are all catecholamines. The function of dopamine is diverse but plays a large role in the pleasure/reward pathway (addiction and thrills), memory, and motor control. Dopamine, like norepinephrine and epinephrine, is stored in vesicles in the axon terminal.

Find out more about the Dopamine Supplements we have available!

Symptoms of Dopamine Deficiency

Low dopamine levels can cause depression, loss of motor control, loss of satisfaction, addictions, cravings, compulsions, low sex drive, poor attention and focus. When dopamine levels are elevated symptoms may manifest in the form of anxiety, paranoia, or hyperactivity.

     Do you often feel depressed, flat, bored, and apathetic?
    Are you low on physical or mental energy? Do you feel tired a lot; have to push yourself to exercise?
    Is your drive, enthusiasm, and motivation on the low side?
    Do you have difficulty focusing or concentrating?
    Are you easily chilled? Do you have cold hands or feet?
    Do you tend to put on weight too easily?
    Do you feel the need to get more alert and motivated by consuming a lot of coffee or other "uppers" like sugar, diet soda, ephedra, or cocaine?

If you answered yes to any of the above you could have low dopmine levels.

Test dopamine levels with the NeuroScreen neurotransmitter test. A simple urine test can determine your dopamine levels.

Find out more about the Neurotransmitter Testing for Dopamine Levels we have available!

What causes low dopamine levels?

Dopamine levels are depleted by stress, certain antidepressants, drug use, poor nutrition, and poor sleep. Alcohol, caffeine, and sugar all seem to decrease dopamine activity in the brain.

Foods that increase Dopamine

Food sources of dopamine increasing tyrosine include almonds, avocados, bananas, dairy products, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.

Dopamine is easily oxidized. Foods that are rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables may help protect dopamine-using neurons from free radical damage. Many healthcare professionals recommend supplementing with vitamins C, vitamin E, and other antioxidants.

Foods such as sugar, saturated fats, cholesterol, and refined foods interfere with proper brain function and can cause low dopamine. Consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol should also be reduced because they can clog the arteries to the brain, heart, and other organs.

Caffeine must also be avoided by persons with depression. Caffeine is a stimulant which initially speeds up neurotransmission, raises the amount of serotonin, and temporarily elevates mood.

Increase dopamine production through the use of dopamine precursors.

Find out more about the Dopamine Supplements we have available!

Dopamine precursors are specific amino acids that our brains utilize to manufacture dopamine. Neurotransmitters are frequently not supplied in great enough levels by our modern diet or in the way our brain best utilizes them. As stress further depletes supplies it is difficult, if not impossible, for the brain to restore necessary amounts to proper levels. Dopamine supplements are required to increase dopamine and other neurotransmitter supplies. Dopamine supplements increase dopamine naturally with little to no side effects.

As you can see, the frontal lobe is for thinking, and it will directly increace the dophamine level, have some activity, like thinking reading, or maybe, play a games ;D
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Farabi !!,  ...are you're a doctor in disguise?  :eek  :green2

I'm with Dave on this one...

hmm.. that came out wrong!!!... Well no..  yes... !!!  you know what I mean  :bg



that is Liv Tyler's tummy   :P