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Windows 8 Programming

Started by Twister, August 20, 2011, 05:05:31 PM

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Quote from: GregL on August 29, 2011, 12:31:31 AM

Personally I like high-performance desktop PCs, the only reason I have a laptop is because my daughter got a new laptop and she gave me her old one.

Exactly, when you need to get some *actual* work done WTF is the use of a tablet ?
Just what are you supposed to do with a tin-can POS that has no real interface, shitty apps that can't be used without a network connection and no menas to really manipulate and store your own data. You can create anything with it !
Where's there's smoke, There are mirrors.
Give me Free as in Freedom not Speech or Beer.
Thank You and Welcome to the Internet.


While I had been extremely attracted to Vista because the system took on a more than average feel akin to Unix perceptually and had several well thought out interfaces it had proven to be just as vulnerable as XP in many ways. Sadly, Windows 7 feels and acts much like XP and with its familiarity promotes ignorance on many levels where the system seems to be even more prone to attack in certain areas than was XP or Vista like a gift wrapped bomb.

They are getting some serious backlash due to the facts pointed out here and by others in this discussion and with the Wall Street folly costing America a sum that has yet to be defined for 3+ years or more it would come as no surprise that they have to make life altering decisions in such a drastic fashion. If they had used their heads to begin with instead of riding their laurels collecting a check and had actually strode to produce something that isn't just appealing but consumer safety oriented on the deepest levels the need for such change would have been less caustic. Parentals controls and safety mechanism need loads more than a nice UI and a sales pitch stating the existence as a selling point.

Preparation is the most critical step and is usually managed as an optional include int the headers where hacks and workarounds apply to anyone who jumps into that libarary and is proven by the insurmountable attacks that Windows Users face everyday. establishing laziness here is not difficult at any stretch of one's imagination and now the fact that preparation a true phase in any endeavor being watered down to a simple step has cost everyone let alone the consideration for its optional management at the mercy of the "experts" at large. It's quite pathetic and was forecast or prophesied to happen by all the white coat morons that weren't doing anything, but holding back evolution and development with their intrinsic over-reach agendas. The agenda has been sprung and the new agenda is damage control where the morons who see the future aren't the ones holding the bag if not the bag full of "I told you so..."

I don't even know what to think of the "powers" governing these systems with such a contemporary, pop-cultural smidgen of wisdom on how to suck up to raise the bottom line into black, but I do know what to call them and none of it is remarkable or socially acceptable in open forum; I do like my vernacular to extend past two syllables and four letters from time to time.

Where the heck have you guys been my whole life, and people have the nerve to ask me why I feel like going postal every other day. I'm surrounded by idiots and now I see you all suffer the same affliction -- finally some people with something iconic to an I.Q. -- it's very inspiring. It's no surprise as to why assembler programmers come off as eccentric, albeit it's not eccentricity but the pursuit of intelligent life; it's like we're lost in space and floating around in the seventies with a robot screaming "does not compute."
