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How Could Anybody Be That Stupid ???

Started by baltoro, August 18, 2011, 09:06:39 PM

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Sure she's stupid, just like those who think raising taxes and lease fees on oil companies will bring down the price to the consumer. Now nationalizing them, well that would change the game a bit.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.

Danny Toledo


Haha, I'm just kidding (I'm part American myself). In all seriousness though, if Obama is the reason that gas is at $3.50 a gallon, I wouldn't mind it if he came up here to Canada where were paying over $4.00 per gallon ($1.20's per litre, assuming that there are four litres to a gallon, $4.80 is about where were at).

To the title though, do you refer to Bacmann to think that a) she would have any effect on gas prices and b) that people will believe her or are you talking about the American public as they will be the ones to buy what she's selling (if they buy what she's selling)?

Just noticed the cool ninja detect thing you people have going.


QuoteJust noticed the cool ninja detect thing you people have going


that's news to me

Danny Toledo

Quotethat's news to me

What's news? The ninja detect thing or me just noticing it?


what are you refering to ???   :P

i don't see any ninjas
hell, i didn't even see any indians - lol


So, in the photo from the article, is that money from her own pocket or from the tax payers' pocket? :8)

Bill Cravener

Bachmann is a perfect example of "Deer in the headlights" syndrome! :bg

Quote from: clive on August 18, 2011, 11:51:01 PM
Sure she's stupid, just like those who think raising taxes. . .

Taxes on higher income earners most be raised and it needs to be done soon if we are to ever get out of this debt mess. Even some Republicans such as David Stockman know this simple fact. Yet we have Republicans like Mitch McConnell and his bunch refusing to even discuss raising taxes on the higher end.

Stockman states the following; "It is therefore unseemly for the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, to insist that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

That; "This debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."

And that; "The ominous change in the American economy has been the vast, unproductive expansion of our financial sector. Here Republicans have been oblivious to the grave danger of flooding financial markets with freely printed money and at the same time removing traditional restrictions on leverage and speculation."". . .the new tax-cutters not only claimed victory for their supply-side strategy but hooked Republicans for good on the delusion that the economy will outgrow the deficit if plied with enough tax cuts."

Bush's tax cuts to the wealthy, his two unfunded wars, a financial sector run amok and the economic downturn brought on by those actions is what brought this country to its knees. Republicans are phuking morons!

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Well, In my country we pay 9.14$ per gallon  And the worst thing is half of that price is just tax :)
"Some people have got a mental horizon of radius zero and call it their point of view." --D.Hilbert

Bill Cravener

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Who (what) is TARP, Fannie and Freddie.... sounds like a b-grade movie


Raising fuel prices won't solve the debt crisis, but it'll certainly make a few companies/people very rich, and they'll advocate price hikes like 'religion'.

Sometimes a bold step like this helps a lot.. one just has to be stupid enough not to understand economics.

Bill Cravener

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Quote from: vanjast on August 19, 2011, 01:29:34 PM
Raising fuel prices won't solve the debt crisis, but it'll certainly make a few companies/people very rich, and they'll advocate price hikes like 'religion'.

Sometimes a bold step like this helps a lot.. one just has to be stupid enough not to understand economics.

Raising fuel prices by taxing fuel increases competition and generates revenue, which allows the government to lower other taxes and/or increase spending on the poor. Europe has high fuel taxes and a much better social net than any other region in the World.