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Wonder why Americans are overweight

Started by anunitu, August 11, 2011, 03:04:25 PM

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Just walk into McDonald's or similar fast food chains, observe what kind of people is standing in line there. It is mostly students, couples, some tourists and people who have a short break from work. It is okay to enjoy a burger from time to time and that you don't become fanatical. What is important is that you make the right choices in places where it is relevant.

Things that you can improve that will have great effect. What is more relevant than food is smoking. That is the biggest change you can do and it is more relevant than food. Quit smoking and you probably improved your health by some big percentage.

Then you can improve your diet habits to further improve your health. It is important you take the most relevant steps in right order, smoking is the most damaging of all. If you have the choice between quit smoking and quit eating fat chips, then you obviously want to focus on the smoking part first.

When youi diet is perfect and there is nothing more to improve there, you may continue to phase C of the plan, now you don't seek to "GET RID" of damaging types of food, now you want to 'IMPLEM;ENT" natural substances that will actually improve your health. For this I recommend

1. Blueberries (clean) or blueberry extract pills, this type of food/supplement will boost your health for sure
2: If you can get some lactoferrine, it is one of the strongest immune stimulator substances, extracted from milk
3: Eat a wide variety of nuts on a daily basis, except coconut
4: Get enough water
I have been puzzling with lego bricks all my life. I know how to do this. When Peter, at age 6 is competing with me, I find it extremely neccessary to show him that I can puzzle bricks better than him, because he is so damn talented that all that is called rational has gone haywire.

Bill Cravener

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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat



DO like the redhead but check the cost of the difference between McDonalds and the food on the left, about a 100 to 1 cost ratio. Money and obesity are linked, poorer and badly educated people more often eat crap fast food. In some poor areas in the western world there is the prediction that children will not outlive their parents because of the crap they eat.
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Bill Cravener

Well I don't know what food costs over in Europe but here I can buy a lean thin cut steak, potato and vegetable plus a small glass of wine or a beer for about 5-6 US bucks, cook it all myself and avoid the fat that fast food offers. It really isn't the cost Steve, its laziness that makes mom and kids fat here in the states. Oink, oink! :bg
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


WTF Bill?  When I first viewed this post on my cell phone, it only showed the redhead....  Decided to take a look a t the full picture...  C'mon man, don't do that.. :dazzled:
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


Quote from: hutch-- on August 20, 2011, 06:24:16 PM

DO like the redhead but check the cost of the difference between McDonalds and the food on the left, about a 100 to 1 cost ratio. Money and obesity are linked, poorer and badly educated people more often eat crap fast food. In some poor areas in the western world there is the prediction that children will not outlive their parents because of the crap they eat.

I am going to have to disagree with you Steve... Money and obesity?  Nope not buying it... It is a CHOICE to eat unhealthy.  Growing up my mom was poor, can't tell you how many nights me and sis went to sleep at night hungry because she chose to pay the bills to keep a warm and lighted roof over our heads.  The little money we did have, mom did not get dinner from a fast food joint we did not eat crappy food, she shopped the best she can. 

It is also from being LAZY...  The kids nowadays in this country are so friggen lazy... they sit in front of the tv or computer, they don't go outside and play anymore...
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


It is laziness without a single doubt. Not only has this affected eating habits, it has affected ethics, too.



Its an ERA thing, when my parents were bringing up their 3 kids the only outside influence was a little TV in the evenings where modern kids get bombarded with McDonalds and similar crap advertising. Their parents often were subject to the same pressure and know little about nutrition to pass on to their kids. My era had good if a bit plain food, shoes that fitted properly, warm clothing and all of those sensible old fashioned things that parents did long ago and you were on the hoof from dawn to sunset, sports, mischief, school and I don't remember fat kids at school at all, they were all skinny, fast and fit.

Transpose that to the modern era and parent are targetted by advertising that says "Bring your kids down to Makkers, KFC or any other crap fast food outlet, fill 'em full of sh*t and watch 'em die young." I agree that it is lazyness but its more complex than that, much of the ordinary world is shaped by advertising and a vast number of people believe it. Be lazy, take the easy route and who cares about the long term effects, the retail outlets will have made their money by then.
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