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Human Genes going to be Open Source

Started by Farabi, July 26, 2011, 10:27:08 PM

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Quote from: Farabi on August 10, 2011, 09:30:43 AM
Researchers successfully sent image data to human brain from tongue. So basically our body had a data channel where each data is had a special encoded system. But brain can intrepret it through any data channel. The future is going to be unimagineable, it would be different than anyone can imagine,

We stuck on physical appearance. But if someday we found a new thing, we dont need a physical body anymore. Lets define our body as a force. We can take any form we want, or even formless. We will redefine our sensory input like, color, pain, joy, voice and everything, or maybe define on a new one. Still long road ahead, but it is reachable if we work together. Everyone had it own unique ability, some part you can handle, sometimes cannot be handled by anyone else, and vice versa, researching is need a lot of cost, but if I can give some advice, lets just forget about copyright, we need a lot of information, or we will stuck on this life forever.


To desire not to be 'stuck in this life' would doubtless exist whatever form we took.... Even if we could exist at the height of pleasure our entire existances can you imagine all the middle ground that would be lost? What reason would our existance hold?

The value in our lives is our perspective, enabling people to improve their own perspectives around the confines of nature....

What would existance be without a butterfly that dies after 3 days? what would existance be without birds chirping in the trees? These things have no tech, they have no extreme pleasure however without such real life perspective nothing is learned and nothing is truely understood....

There is no better perspective than to find and cherish a special moment in life but also to understand what and why you search and what and why you cherish....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Hi oex, I dont get what you re saying, can you say it again on a simple words. Sorry, I guess It is too complicated for me :green
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"



Dont wish away the reality that exists

"We stuck on physical appearance. But if someday we found a new thing, we dont need a physical body anymore."

This will not and should not happen in our lifetimes.... Ask yourself.... What individuals should not have to have a physical body? People that want to take another form? Parents can decide for children? Everyone? Animals? Where is the line drawn?

This is frankenstein science
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


you could be a whale...
...or one of those turtles that lives really long   :P


Okay I confess, Im just playing God. Im not really interested to be a God. It is out of my capability. Lets assume there are 1.8*10^18 atoms on a 1x1 cm. For only that room I need at least up to 1000 TB of storage. I could use all of my brain channell, but I think it only a few hundreds billion. Hell. I runout of bandwith to check all of the movement. Even to move and manage this all 100 trilion cell I handled it to the AI system on my body, like reflex and all of the subconious system, Can you imagine it if it was not automaticaly? I can stop breathing when reading daves code  :lol
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"



i seem to be the only guy in here that likes my code   :bg
that's ok - i guess i don't have to worry about it getting ripped off