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Maybe a stupid question....

Started by oex, July 11, 2011, 09:05:55 PM

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Is writing to an MMX/XMM register from a normal 32 bit or 8/16 bit register X (8) times with a single 128-bit one memory write much faster than writing that 8 bit register to memory 16 times?

I haven't seen anyone do this so maybe it's just a bad idea.... (Except in SSE data copy etc....)

In the other hand if it is faster then I don't mind taking credit for any resulting laboratory algorithm upgrades :lol....

Maybe there is already a laboratory timings post for this?
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


See here. The rep movsd/rep stosd variants can compete with SSE2 for large volumes but the difference is still more than marginal.


write 32 bit register ~2 times quickly when do the same with 16 bit register's



Quote from: bomz on July 11, 2011, 10:35:57 PM
write 32 bit register ~2 times quickly when do the same with 16 bit register's

Hi there ...any chance that you can save the .asm's as HTML as so I can translate it to english

This is what I see here:

; ===============================================================
; ===============================================================
name LOGO
; ===============================================================
;   === Íà÷àëî ïðîãðàììû: ===
CSEG segment use16
assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg, ss:cseg, es:cseg
org  100h ; COM ôàéë
; ===============================================================

mov ax, 3D00h ; îòêðûâàåì ôàéë òîëüêî äëÿ ÷òåíèÿ
lea dx, file ; óêàçàòåëü íà ñòðîêó ñ èìåíåì ôàéëà

you can use Notepad++ to save as .html
Like this:


unless you have some time and want to use Google translate at your end .... and translate them to english


Made you own comment. I made this for myself. May ask me how translate something. Main they say what do this INT or those
Under DOS 186 picture is visible how it drawing from up to down. 386 appear practically immediately on my PC. The difference only one-  in MOVSB MOVSD


Quote from: bomz on July 12, 2011, 11:20:58 PM
Made you own comment. I made this for myself.
Under DOS 186 picture is visible how it drawing from up to down. 386 appear practically immediately on my PC. The difference only one-  in MOVSB MOVSD

I meant can you save the .asm's as html , your computer is in Italian? right?

I can not see Italian here

.html stays in the language that it is in then I can translate


My windows russian



May be Unicode help?
as I see code use Russian OEM for output


Quote from: bomz on July 12, 2011, 11:31:22 PM
May be Unicode help?
as I see code use Russian OEM for output

Yap, that is good !

Начало программы  = The program begins

Thank you!


Quote from: bomz on July 12, 2011, 11:35:31 PM

Do you know TASM?
can you translate these shorts CRC32 to MASM ???

Знаете ли вы, TASM?
Вы можете перевести эти шорты CRC32 для MASM??


Here is the English Translation Thanks to Google Translate!

The only thing I did not get is this:

No_File db 'ЋиЁЎЄ  ®вЄалвЁп д ©« ', 0Dh,0Ah, 24h ; Failed to open file
Read_Error db      'ЋиЁЎЄ  з⥭Ёп д ©« ', 0Dh,0Ah, 24h ; Error reading file
Memory_Error db      'ЋиЁЎЄ  Ї ¬пвЁ', 0Dh, 0Ah, 24h ; Error allocating memory

No Language matched it? could be some weird acronym ...