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This is Why California Is So Cool

Started by baltoro, May 25, 2011, 07:01:06 PM

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The current issue of Vanity Fair magazine has a long, torturous article all about Charlie Sheen: Charlie Sheen's War
Don't read it. Charlie is an idiot. He's a crappy actor,...and they pay him an incredible amount of money to be a crappy actor.
:eek ...The problem is that almost everybody in California (even the kids) want to be exactly like him,... :eek


Not everybody Balt, I grew up in California, and I NEVER acted like Him,and never wanted to. I will say that I am NOT your average person that grew up there, hell, I am not average when compared to anyone. I think I am one of a kind. :red


I know,...I was being facetious.
No assembly programmer could EVER be Charlie Sheen-like,,,,
My thinking was: Charlie Sheen is just a spectacular, and, embarrassing exemplification of what's wrong with California. :eek
...And,...what's REALLY amazing is that,...Charlie won't be suing Vanity Fair for defamation of character, fact, he love's the publicity,... :eek


He is mainly southern California stock,Northern Calif. is a lot more laid back..thats why I did not end up being like that.


he's not a bad guy
just a product of his environment
he can party and screw all the nice looking gals he wants
he can be completely irresponsible without repercussions
one can see why all the kids in California want to be like him

come to think of it, i am a little jealous - lol


Ha, Ha,...
Quote from: DAVE...come to think of it, i am a little jealous,...

:dazzled: BIG BOOMING LAUGH,...MAJOR LOL,... :dazzled:

...Dave is a devoted Charlie Sheen enthusiast,...I love it,...
...It's probably the only completely ridiculous thing you've ever done,...

:dazzled: BIG BOOMING LAUGH,...MAJOR LOL,... :dazzled:



i didn't say "fan" - lol
just that - he's only doing what his environment allows him to get away with


Sorry, Dave,...I know you have a great sense of humor,, I'm taking liberties in my interpretation, probably party with Charlie all the time,... :eek
And, you know,...anunitu is right,...most Northern Californians are too intelligent to behave like Charlie Sheen.

...And, come to think of it,...California does have alot of cool attributes.
California has a very diverse landscape; the Coastline is 840 miles long, and populated with vast numbers of gorgeous girls in bikinis.
The Sierra Nevada Mountains, run 400 miles in length, with a dozen peaks above the 14,000 foot elevation, and, includes three National Parks: Yosemite, Sequoia, and, King's Canyon. For, you non-Californians, here is an: Overview of the Sierra Nevada Range
...I sound like a tour guide, don't I ??? (I know what you're thinking,...who cares about the mountains, lets get back to all those girls in bikinis,...)
California has a population of over 37 million people,...which is more than either Canada or Australia.
If California were a nation, it would have the eighth largest economy in the world, after: the United States, Japan, Germany, China, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy.
California's Central Valley is one of the world's most productive agricultural regions.


There is a reason why Sydney is so "cool" at the moment, its WINTER TIME !
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You know, HUTCH,'re way more zen than Charlie Sheen,...
...except, for that inexplicably weird Spaghetti obsession,...



Ha,...Ha,... :eek
...I think you can say,...unequivocally,...that HUTCH is the Anti-Charlie Sheen,...



Now I must take offence at this, my Spaghetti is so good i actually eat it. Now the preferred technique I learnt from a Chef of Croatian origin who worked up the north east of Italy was tomato paste mixed with mild mustard which you heat for 3 minutes in the microwave, when the spaghetti is cooked put it on a plate, toss it slightly so it does not stick together then add the modified tomato paste. Add as much parmesan cheese as your sense of indulgence allows and the result is truly magnificent.

Now RE: coffee, I am lazy enough to drink gallons of Nescafe a day but if I really bother I like Greek/Turkish coffee cooked in a small pot with a lot of sugar in it. Real men[tm] have no problems with the powdered grounds and you drink it black in small ceramic cups. Now this does not mean that I won't accept JJs code for Cappucino once he gets it debugged and working properly.  :P
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QuoteReal men[tm] have no problems with the powdered grounds and you drink it black in small ceramic cups.

in Arizona we call that "cowboy coffee"   :lol
i am not a cowboy, but they drink it in tin cups   :bg

sorry i can't agree Hutch
i hate grounds in my coffee
i will drink it rather than nothing if we are camping or something

my sister makes cofee like that
that is probably why i am working on her house instead of one of her ex-husbands   :P
Zara, of course, drinks tea - so does my oldest sister
here, i am making my own coffee
they all know better than to ask me to do something until i am on my third cup, at least



Greek/Turkish coffee is different, it is powdered coffee not ground beans and you cannot make it without there being residue in the bottom of the pot or your cup. Great stuff though, will put hair on your pencil and lead on you chest.  :bg

Purist Greek style is a small pot or saucepan that you mix the coffee, water and optionally sugar into then slowly stew it for a half an hour or so. There is no real difference between Greek, Serbian, Turkish, Lebanese or Syrian coffee, just minor variations on the water, sugar and coffee.
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