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how to use winpcap under masm32?

Started by feng_1_1_1, April 09, 2011, 03:26:47 PM

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hello everybody,sorry about breaking up some forum rules,I just have bad english,I want to use winpcap write programs,but have no include files,dlls. so where can i find them?  I have seen code and include files  In a French website , but I can not understand French.........!  thanks...

you may want to use h2inc to convert the includes
there should be one in the masm32\bin folder
although i think Edgar (donkey) or Erol (Vortex) have better programs for this



I use h2incx from japheth for translate header files to Include files

PCAP_IF_LOOPBACK EQU 1 ; interface is loopback

bpf_int32 typedef DWORD ; int
bpf_u_int32 typedef DWORD ; u_int

; char typedef BYTE;
; short typedef WORD;
; long typedef DWORD;
lpcap_pkthdr typedef ptr pcap_pkthdr
pcap_dumper_t typedef ptr pcap_dumper
pcap_t typedef ptr pcap
pcap_addr_t typedef ptr pcap_addr
pcap_if_t typedef ptr pcap_if
ip_address_t typedef ptr ip_address
mac_address_t typedef ptr mac_address

iphdr struct; // structure IP Header
; //Pour processeur de type little-endian
ihl db [4] dup (?) ; // IP header length
version db [4] dup (?) ;
tos BYTE ? ; // Type of service
tot_len  WORD ? ; // Total length
id WORD ? ; // Identification
frag_off WORD ? ; // Fragment Offset + Flags
ttl BYTE ? ; // Time to life
protocol BYTE ? ;
check WORD ? ; // Checksum
saddr DWORD ? ; // Source address
daddr DWORD ? ; // Destination address
iphdr ends

; 4 bytes IP address 
ip_address struct
    byte1 BYTE ?
    byte2 BYTE ?
    byte3 BYTE ?
    byte4 BYTE ?
ip_address ends

; 5 bytes Mac address
mac_address struct
byte1 BYTE ?
byte2 BYTE ?
byte3 BYTE ?
byte4 BYTE ?
byte5 BYTE ?
byte6 BYTE ?
mac_address ends

; IPv4 header 
ip_header struct
   ver_ihl BYTE ? ; // Version (4 bits) + Internet header length (4 bits)
   tos BYTE ? ; // Type of service
   tlen     WORD ? ; // Total length
   identification WORD ? ; // Identification
   eth_type WORD ? ; // EtherType
   flags_fo WORD ? ; // Flags (3 bits) + Fragment offset (13 bits)
   ttl     BYTE ? ; // Time to live
   protocole    BYTE ? ; // Protocol
   crc     WORD ? ; // Header checksum
   sip ip_address <?> ; // Source address IP
   dip ip_address <?> ; // Destination address IP
   smac mac_address <?> ; // Source address MAC
   dmac mac_address <?> ; // Destination address MAC
   op_pad DWORD ? ; // Option + Padding
ip_header ends

; UDP header
udp_header struct
sport WORD ? ; // Source port
dport WORD ? ; // Destination port
len     WORD ? ; // Datagram length
crc     WORD ? ; // Checksum
udp_header ends

pcap_file_header struct
magic  DWORD ? ;
version_major  DWORD ? ;
version_minor      DWORD ?      ;
thiszone       DWORD ?      ; /* gmt to local correction */
sigfigs       DWORD ?      ; /* accuracy of timestamps */
snaplen     DWORD ?      ; /* max length saved portion of each pkt */
linktype     DWORD ?      ; /* data link type (LINKTYPE_*) */
pcap_file_header ends

; typedef enum {PCAP_D_INOUT = 0,PCAP_D_IN,PCAP_D_OUT} pcap_direction_t;

timeval struct
tv_sec DWORD ?
tv_usec DWORD ?
timeval ends

pcap_pkthdr struct
ts timeval <>
caplen bpf_u_int32 ?
len bpf_u_int32 ?
pcap_pkthdr ends

pcap_stat struct
ps_recv DWORD ? ; /* number of packets received */
ps_drop DWORD ? ; /* number of packets dropped */
ps_ifdrop DWORD ? ; /* drops by interface XXX not yet supported */
ps_capt DWORD ? ; /* number of packets that are received by the application; please get rid off the Win32 ifdef */
ps_sent DWORD ? ; /* number of packets sent by the server on the network */
ps_netdrop DWORD ? ; /* number of packets lost on the network */
pcap_stat ends

pcap_stat_ex struct
rx_packets      DWORD ? ;       /* total packets received       */
tx_packets      DWORD ? ;       /* total packets transmitted    */
rx_bytes    DWORD ? ;       /* total bytes received         */
tx_bytes DWORD ? ;       /* total bytes transmitted      */
rx_errors      DWORD ? ;       /* bad packets received         */
tx_errors      DWORD ? ;       /* packet transmit problems     */
rx_dropped      DWORD ? ; /* no space in Rx buffers       */
tx_dropped      DWORD ? ;       /* no space available for Tx    */
multicast      DWORD ? ;       /* multicast packets received   */
collisions      DWORD ? ;

rx_length_errors DWORD ? ;
rx_over_errors      DWORD ? ;   /* receiver ring buff overflow  */
rx_crc_errors      DWORD ? ;   /* recv'd pkt with crc error    */
rx_frame_errors     DWORD ? ;   /* recv'd frame alignment error */
rx_fifo_errors      DWORD ? ;   /* recv'r fifo overrun          */
rx_missed_errors DWORD ? ;  /* recv'r missed packet         */

tx_aborted_errors DWORD ? ;
tx_carrier_errors DWORD ? ;
tx_fifo_errors DWORD ? ;
tx_heartbeat_errors DWORD ? ;
tx_window_errors DWORD ? ;
pcap_stat_ex ends

pcap_if struct
next pcap_if_t <> ;
_name DWORD ? ; /* name to hand to "pcap_open_live()" */
description DWORD ? ; /* textual description of interface, or NULL */
address pcap_addr_t <>
flags bpf_u_int32 ? ;   /* PCAP_IF_ interface flags */
pcap_if ends

udp_header struct
    sport Word ? ;          // Source port
    dport Word ? ;          // Destination port
    len Word ? ;    // Datagram length
    crc Word ? ;          // Checksum
udp_header ends

pcap_addr struct
next  pcap_addr_t <>
adress sockaddr <> ; /* address */
netmask sockaddr <> ; /* netmask for that address */
broadaddr sockaddr <> ; /* broadcast address for that address */
dstaddr sockaddr <> ; /* P2P destination address for that address */
pcap_addr ends

; typedef void (*pcap_handler)(u_char *, const struct pcap_pkthdr *,const u_char *);

;pcap_handler EQU DWORD + SIZEOFtimeval + SIZEOF bpf_u_int32 + SIZEOF bpf_u_int32 + DWORD
;void packet_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);

;pcap_handler EQU param:DWORD,header:pcap_pkthdr,pkt_data:DWORD

bpf_program struct
       bf_len DWORD ? ;
       bf_insns bpf_insn <> ;
bpf_program ends

;bpf_insn struct
; code DWORD ? ;
; jt DWORD ? ;
; jf DWORD ? ;
; k DWORD ? ;
;bpf_insn ends

pcap_sf struct
        rfile DWORD ? ;
        swapped DWORD ? ;
        hdrsize DWORD ? ;
        version_major DWORD ? ;
        version_minor DWORD ? ;
        base DWORD ? ;
pcap_sf ends

pcap_md struct
        stat pcap_stat <> ;
        use_bpf DWORD ? ;            /* using kernel filter */
        TotPkts DWORD ? ;        /* can't oflow for 79 hrs on ether */
        TotAccepted DWORD ? ;    /* count accepted by filter */
        TotDrops DWORD ? ;       /* count of dropped packets */
        TotMissed DWORD ? ;      /* missed by i/f during this run */
        OrigMissed DWORD ? ;     /* missed by i/f before this run */
pcap_md ends

pcap struct
        fd DWORD ? ;
        snapshot DWORD ? ;
        linktype DWORD ? ;
        tzoff DWORD ? ; /* timezone offset */
        _offset DWORD ? ; /* offset for proper alignment */  ????? Problème avec le nom "offset" impossible de l'utiliser
        ; offset => _offset
        sf pcap_sf <> ;
        md pcap_md <> ;

; Read buffer.
        bufsize DWORD ? ;
        buffer DWORD ? ;
        _bp DWORD ? ; ????? Problème avec le nom "bp" impossible d'utiliser le nom de registre ! bp => _bp
        cc DWORD ? ;
        pkt DWORD ? ;
        fcode bpf_program <>;
        errbuf db [PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE] dup (?);
pcap ends

pcap_timeval struct
     tv_sec bpf_int32 ?;          /* seconds */
     tv_usec bpf_int32  ?;          /* microseconds */
pcap_timeval ends

pcap_sf_pkthdr struct
    ts pcap_timeval <> ;      /* time stamp */
    caplen bpf_u_int32 ? ;          /* length of portion present */
    len bpf_u_int32 ? ;         /* length this packet (off wire) */
pcap_sf_pkthdr ends

tm struct
tm_sec DWORD ? ;       /* Seconds: 0-59 (K&R says 0-61?) */
tm_min DWORD ? ;       /* Minutes: 0-59 */
tm_hour DWORD ? ;       /* Hours since midnight: 0-23 */
tm_mday DWORD ? ; /* Day of the month: 1-31 */
tm_mon DWORD ? ; /* Months *since* january: 0-11 */
tm_year DWORD ? ;       /* Years since 1900 */
tm_wday DWORD ? ;       /* Days since Sunday (0-6) */
tm_yday DWORD ? ;       /* Days since Jan. 1: 0-365 */
tm_isdst DWORD ? ;   /* +1 Daylight Savings Time, 0 No DST,
;* -1 don't know */
tm ends

pcap_sf_patched_pkthdr struct
    ts pcap_timeval <> ;     /* time stamp */
    caplen bpf_u_int32 ? ;         /* length of portion present */
    len bpf_u_int32 ? ;            /* length this packet (off wire) */
    index DWORD ? ;
    protocol WORD  ? ;
    pkt_type BYTE  ? ;
pcap_sf_patched_pkthdr ends

pcap_lookupdev PROTO STDCALL char:DWORD
pcap_lookupnet PROTO STDCALL char:DWORD, bpf_u_int32:DWORD, bpf_u_int32:DWORD, char:DWORD
pcap_open_live PROTO STDCALL char:DWORD, int1:DWORD, int2:DWORD, int3:DWORD, char:DWORD
pcap_open_dead PROTO STDCALL int1:DWORD, int2:DWORD
pcap_open_offline PROTO STDCALL char:DWORD, char:DWORD
pcap_fopen_offline PROTO STDCALL FILE:DWORD, char:DWORD
pcap_close PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD;
pcap_loop PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, int1:DWORD, pcap_handler:DWORD, u_char:DWORD
pcap_dispatch PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, int1:DWORD, pcap_handler:DWORD, u_char:DWORD
pcap_next PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, lppcap_pkthdr:DWORD
;pcap_next_ex PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, lppcap_pkthdr:DWORD, u_char:DWORD
pcap_next_ex PROTO STDCALL p:DWORD, pkt_header:DWORD,pkt_data:DWORD
pcap_breakloop PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD
pcap_stats PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, pcap_stat:DWORD
pcap_setfilter PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, bpf_program:DWORD
pcap_setdirection PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, pcap_direction_t:DWORD
pcap_getnonblock PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, char:DWORD
pcap_setnonblock PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, int1:DWORD, char:DWORD
pcap_perror PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, char:DWORD
pcap_inject PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, void:DWORD, size_t:DWORD
pcap_sendpacket PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, u_char:DWORD, int1:DWORD
pcap_strerror PROTO STDCALL int1:DWORD
pcap_geterr PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD
pcap_compile PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, bpf_program:DWORD, char:DWORD, int1:DWORD,bpf_u_int32:DWORD
pcap_compile_nopcap PROTO STDCALL int1:DWORD, int2:DWORD, bpf_program:DWORD,char:DWORD, int3:DWORD, bpf_u_int32:DWORD
pcap_freecode PROTO STDCALL bpf_program:DWORD
pcap_datalink PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD
pcap_list_datalinks PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, int1:DWORD
pcap_set_datalink PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, int1:DWORD
pcap_datalink_name_to_val PROTO STDCALL char:DWORD
pcap_datalink_val_to_name PROTO STDCALL int1:DWORD
pcap_datalink_val_to_description PROTO STDCALL int1:DWORD
pcap_snapshot PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD
pcap_is_swapped PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD
pcap_major_version PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD
pcap_minor_version PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD
pcap_file PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD
pcap_fileno PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD
pcap_dump_open PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, char:DWORD
pcap_dump_fopen PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, FILE:DWORD
pcap_dump_file PROTO STDCALL pcap_dumper_t:DWORD
pcap_dump_ftell PROTO STDCALL pcap_dumper_t:DWORD
pcap_dump_flush PROTO STDCALL pcap_dumper_t:DWORD
pcap_dump_close PROTO STDCALL pcap_dumper_t:DWORD
pcap_dump PROTO STDCALL u_char:DWORD, lppcap_pkthdr:DWORD, u_char:DWORD
pcap_findalldevs PROTO STDCALL pcap_if_t:DWORD, char:DWORD
pcap_freealldevs PROTO STDCALL pcap_if_t:DWORD
bpf_filter PROTO STDCALL bpf_insn:DWORD, u_char:DWORD, u_int:DWORD, u_int:DWORD
bpf_validate PROTO STDCALL bpf_insn:DWORD,len:DWORD
bpf_image PROTO STDCALL bpf_insn:DWORD, int1:DWORD
bpf_dump PROTO STDCALL bpf_program:DWORD, int1:DWORD
pcap_setbuff PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, dim:DWORD
pcap_setmode PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, mode:DWORD
pcap_setmintocopy PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, size1:DWORD
pcap_stats_ex PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD,pcap_stat_ex:DWORD
pcap_set_wait PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, void:DWORD, int1:DWORD
pcap_mac_packets PROTO STDCALL void:DWORD
pcap_get_selectable_fd PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD

pcap_offline_read PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, int1:DWORD, Phandler:DWORD, u_char:DWORD
pcap_read PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD,cnt:DWORD, Phandler:DWORD, u_char:DWORD

; #define strlcpy(x, y, z) \(strncpy((x), (y), (z)), \((z) <= 0 ? 0 : ((x)[(z) - 1] = '\0')), \strlen((y)))

pcap_fddipad PROTO STDCALL
install_bpf_program PROTO STDCALL pcap_t:DWORD, bpf_program:DWORD

for a complete example have i found this


hello everybody,sorry about breaking up some forum rules, ...

I suggest that you do not try to "break" the forum rules :D :D :D
Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.




 :U Ragdog interesting. I think this pcap driver was cool.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Quote from: BogdanOntanu on April 09, 2011, 06:47:53 PM
hello everybody,sorry about breaking up some forum rules, ...

I suggest that you do not try to "break" the forum rules :D :D :D

I shall search that if some one already ask the same question or google it. but in china,government blocks google's websites and foreign websites. you have to prison back to view this web.and I looking up the dictionary while typing words.


Quote from: ragdog on April 09, 2011, 06:01:52 PM

I use h2incx from japheth for translate header files to Include files

you are cool