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Multiplication Procedure Wrong

Started by jwill22, March 25, 2011, 04:34:35 PM

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The addition and subtraction procedure is ok, but when I do multiplication, it works the first time..then when I try to multiply two new numbers, I get the same answer as the first two numbers that were multiplied. I have to do multiplication and division using only the stack and addition and subtraction. So I can't use Mul or Div instructions. Here's what it looks like

TITLE BooleandCalulator(#1)(Pg.227 # 8)
;By: Justin Williams
;Instructor: Dr. Jessie Walker
;Class : 10:00 - 10:50



displayMenu BYTE " Calculator...choose which operation you want to do",0dh,0ah ;The menu for user to view and choose
BYTE 0dh,0ah
BYTE "1. Addition"     ,0dh,0ah
BYTE "2. Subtraction"      ,0dh,0ah
BYTE "3. Multiplication"       ,0dh,0ah
BYTE "4. Division"     ,0dh,0ah
BYTE "5. Exit program",0
addMessage BYTE "Enter two Numbers to add",0
subMessage  BYTE " Enter two numbers to subtract",0
mulMessage BYTE " Enter two numbers to multiply",0
divMessage BYTE " Enter the numbers for division",0
tryAgain BYTE " Do you want to start over (y/n)? "

counter DWORD 0
sum DWORD 0
temp DWORD 0

main PROC
L0: mov edx, OFFSET displayMenu
call WriteString ;Write message to screen
jmp L1

L1: call Crlf
call ReadInt
.if(eax == 1) ;if eax == 1 call the and procedure

mov edx,OFFSET addMessage
call WriteString
call Crlf
call ReadDec
push eax
call ReadDec
mov ebx,eax
push ebx
call addProc
call WriteDec

.elseif(eax == 2)
mov edx,OFFSET subMessage
call WriteString
call Crlf
call ReadDec
push eax
call ReadDec
mov ebx,eax
push ebx
call subProc
call WriteInt

.elseif(eax == 3)
mov edx,OFFSET mulMessage
call WriteString
call Crlf
call ReadDec
push eax
call ReadDec
mov ebx,eax
push ebx
call mulProc
call WriteDec

.elseif(eax == 4)
mov edx,OFFSET divMessage
call WriteString
call Crlf
call ReadDec
push eax
call ReadDec
mov ebx,eax
push ebx
call divProc
call WriteInt


main ENDP

addProc PROC

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
mov eax,[ebp + 12]
add eax,[ebp + 8]

;call WriteInt
;add edx,[ebp +20 ]
;mov eax,edx
;call WriteDec
pop ebp
ret 8
addProc endp

subProc PROC

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
mov eax,[ebp + 12]
sub eax,[ebp+8]
pop ebp
ret 8

subProc endp

mulProc PROC
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
mov eax,[ebp + 12]
mov ebx,[ebp + 8]

L1: CMP counter,ebx
jl L2
jmp L3

L2: add sum,eax
    inc counter
    jmp L1

inc counter

L3: mov eax,sum
    ;call WriteInt

pop ebp

ret 8

mulProc endp

divProc PROC

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
mov eax,[ebp + 12]
mov ebx,[ebp + 8]

.WHILE(temp < eax)
add temp,ebx
inc counter

mov eax,counter

call WriteDec

pop ebp

ret 8

divProc endp


END main

Thanks and if I didn't explain good enough or if its something anyone doesn't understand I'll be more than happy to answer :cheekygreen:


- AFAIKS there is no need to set up the stackframe inside you procedures - this is allready done by masm. However I don't know what happen inside
- you do not initialize the (global) variables counter and sum
- keep in mind, that the x86 instruction set also has division and multiplication instructions
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


That's Ok I got it...I just had to initialize my counter and  sum u said