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assembler in mondern times

Started by dog, February 22, 2011, 07:12:00 PM

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It's been almost ten years, now, that I work as a teacher of computer science. Lately I've been assigned "algorithms" which is a subject I enjoy greatly.

For demonstration purposes, I've presented the same algorithm in a couple of different languages like pascal, c++ and java, so that my students can see the differences.

All of the sudden, I have an interest to play with all the different languages I have programmed in earlier times, refresh my rusty knowledge.

In MS-DOS times I have programmed with Turbo Assembler, too. I have spent long hours in front of my pc, together with "Programming for MS-DOS" and Swan's "Mastering Turbo Assembler", running my tasm compiler over and over, checking with my debugger the memory and the registers in step-by-step execution.

I'd like to try and make some simple programs with keyboard/screen input/output. So, I'd like to know what is the state of assembler in windows times. My system is WinXP32. What is the best assembler for XP? Is there a friendly programming environment? Is there online documentation with examples and simple programs? Is MASM what I need?

(not sure whether I post in the right subforum)
Thanks :)


Hello Dimitris,
Welcome to the Forum. You should download and install the Masm32 package (see Tips & Tricks in my signature), and start playing with simple Win32 console mode programs. Below is a little Hello World programme:

include \masm32\include\

start: inkey "Hello Dimitris"

end start

And we love algorithms here, so your ideas will be welcome :thumbu


Hi  Dimitris,

As jj2007 stated, have a look at the Masm SDK :

There are other choices like Masm compatible assemblers Pelle's Poasm and Japheth's Jwasm.


Quote from: dog on February 22, 2011, 07:12:00 PM
I'd like to try and make some simple programs with keyboard/screen input/output.

In the Windows parlance, this is known as "Console mode".  Special system service calls exist to make this, more or less, the same as DOS calls
Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


 :green2 during installation it reads: "writing MASM to hard disk" instead of "installing" or "copying MASM to some file"

that's calling things by their names, indeed. it's smells like assembler already!  :U

thanks for the welcome, guys.  :bg

(hey, maybe even better: "writing bytes to disk sectors" :P )


you've come to the right place :U

install the masm32 package. it contains a development enviroment for making assembly language programs. all the tools you need including linker, assembler, disassembler etc. a reliable library of procedures for input/output, conversions, algorithms, string processing etc all created by members of this forum. include files to enable the creation of windows gui programs and the include files for easy use of the c runtime library. acres of examples and documentation. theres also a macro library that enables high level language type constructs and some easy to use timing macros for measuring the clock cycles of your code.

and much more besides :P masm32 has become the defacto standard for asm programmers under windows