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Sound generator

Started by gabor, May 11, 2005, 01:16:42 PM

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Hi everyone!

  I had an idea several years ago. It was a program that can be used to create a network of signal generating and processing modules. The results of this sort of net are synthetized sounds, or even complete tunes.
  In the recent years this idea has not remained unique anymore, but its programming effort is still challanging and exciting. Ok, this is what I think...

I am looking for members who would join this work with ideas, algo design and coding.

I´ve also created a little code in real mode and for DOS4GW. The program parses a script wich holds the description of the network.
It is in the zipped file. It contains the executable and 2 example scripts.

I'm waiting your questions! :bg

Greets, gábor

[attachment deleted by admin]


I would be happy to help with the basic modules - I have experience in coding algorithms and I also know quite a bit about software synthesisers.



I am very glad that there is interest for this project. I made a list of the modules that exist in the little program a posted before. It is available on my homepage:


If you really feel like creating sounds, contact me, either here or per email or per PM. I'd recommend first read through that little list of mine, to get a view on those stuff.
For now I can tell that the hard part was not to create those modules, but to organize them and to create an appropriate framework to dynamically create, destroy and connect them...

Maybe I'll post my code, but it is really old, and does not compile anymore, after I've tried to modify several parts. Now it would be easier and cleaner to start over the coding.

Greets, gábor


Error tested on WinXP with 2.8 Ghz, "Attempt to access invalid address".
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Hi Farabi!

Thanks for reporting! Could you please tell me about the circumstances of the error: which script did you use? This proggy is discontinued, as you could read I've started to rewrite it under Win32.

Greets, gábor


Hai sorry for replying it too long. I click it and it not working, it must be error at memory accessing.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Hi folks!

This is just to inform you, that this project is still alive and in the works...
I have reached a level and now I would like to give my results to you to test it.
I work under Win2k and WinXP on Intel P3 and AMD Athlon XP. Well, I think it should run on any platform...
If interested I can give the source too.
(My recent experiences show me that it is not of big importance to give source code because there are so few replies. :'()

Brief description:

The program wants to be Windows base (so not a consol app).
- creates a main window
- the main window creates a log pop-up dialog
- the main proc creates a network instance
- the network instance creates 3 input instances
- logs a small statistics about the network

Please tell me of your opinion.

My next steps will be
- create more modules (more interesting ones, like oscillators)
- write the procedures to connect/disconnect them
- procedure that runs the generation

I also have a question: To load/impot saved data should I create a text input parser first (the saved data is text, say XML) or should I create a GUI and skip the text processing? How difficult can it be to create a mouse and click driven surface for inserting/deleting connecting modules?

Greets, Gábor

[attachment deleted by admin]



I have here another version to test. Please run it on your equipment to get the bugs known. Thanks!
This simply creates a network from stored data (is nailed in the data seg), and then destroyes it. The network consists of 3 constants, 1 potmeter and 2 oscillators. This is just a framework, no signal is generated or transformed yet.

If someone is interested in the source, please tell me!

Greets, Gábor

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi Gabor,

that seems in order on my Windows XP (SP1).

French asm Forum:   Website:


Hi Gabor,

Results on my machine show it working well...

created by Németh Gábor 2005

Network module created.
Input created.
Input created.
Input created.
Potmeter created.
Oscillator created.
Oscillator created.

Network module info
start address: 00147F08h
006 module(s) created.

001.constant module info
start address: 00148F48h
value: 1.00000000

002.constant module info
start address: 00148F74h
value: 55.7000000

003.constant module info
start address: 00148FA0h
value: 440.751000

004.potmeter module info
start address: 00148FCCh
min: -0.5000000
max: 0.50000000
stp: 0.05000000

005.saw osc module info
start address: 00149010h
rst on module001.
amp on module001.
fre on module002.

006.saw osc module info
start address: 00149060h
rst not connected.
amp on module001.
fre on module003.

Network module destroyed.

I would like to say that on several occasions you have mentioned that if you saw more interest, you would post the source.  Whether you post the source or not is of no consequence to me as this is something I know nothing about, but I want you to realize that you are going about this bass-ackwards.  I feel if you want to generate interest, you need to, first, post the source.  Remember, this is a programming forum, not a testing forum.  People will test your code as they do for others, too; but to generate interest...this is a programming forum.



pbrennick: he doesn't mean that if he sees interest he will post the source, he means that if people are interested they should PM him and he will give them the source, as I did.

gabor: That looks really good! what is the rst on the oscillator? and should it not show something like "Output not connected"?


Irregardless, my point is still valid.  How are you doing BTW, haven't seen you around for a while?



Quote from: pbrennick on June 06, 2005, 08:40:42 PM

Is that a word? Or is it like "misunderestimate"? Or am I just being stupid?

Quote from: pbrennick on June 06, 2005, 08:40:42 PM
haven't seen you around for a while?

If by a while you mean 5 days, I was on holiday (and incidentally got no sleep at a sleepover and got in trouble for sleeping in over breakfast the next morning at school)

If by a while you mean a couple of weeks, I have not seen many appealing posts recently, but I still check the forum once every few hours.


Hi Aero,
No, you are not stupid, you just speak a different English (I speak a dialect).  Anyway, yes, in my dialect, it is a word.  In Australia, they say whinging which in my dialect is not a correct spelling of whining.  English is fastinating...

Sorry you got into trouble and I am surprised you get away with being online so much.  In the college where I used to teach we monitored this behavior of our students (not me, the network guys), I was just the CNE and the coursework required they have someone with my credentials.  Your network guys are not too smart.  We also monitored phone logs. It was a seminary is your college a seminary?



In England both whinging and whining are acceptable.

Quote from: pbrennick on June 07, 2005, 02:01:34 PM
Sorry you got into trouble and I am surprised you get away with being online so much. In the college where I used to teach we monitored this behavior of our students (not me, the network guys), I was just the CNE and the coursework required they have someone with my credentials. Your network guys are not too smart. We also monitored phone logs. It was a seminary is your college a seminary?

"Get away with"? Is it a crime?
What is the CNE and what has coursework got to do with anything?
In what way are our network guys not smart?
What is a seminary?