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Some questions

Started by lib, May 10, 2005, 11:06:03 AM

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Hello all,

I want to build a library in assmebly (16 bit) which will contain all of my functions
I am using MASM 6.14, I don't know which words should I use nor what to write in
the module and the main program to connect between them so that I will be able to use the functions.

I have two more questions:

1) Does anyone has a code which scrolles the input text horizonally (in DOS! MASM 16bit)
2) Does anyone has a source code of hash algoritms such as MD5, SHA1-1...
(in 16 bit code for MASM)


You can find examples of every step of the library creation process, along with the necessary library manager (LIB.EXE) here:

If your functions are still under development (i.e. not well tested/debugged), you should probably avoid placing them in a library. A very workable alternative would be to place the library functions in an include file and include that file in your main source. This would allow you to avoid clutter in the main source, but still have ready access to the functions. And because the included file would effectively be part of your main source, both files could be assembled as one.
eschew obfuscation


Hi lib,

Welcome to the forum.

QuoteDoes anyone has a code which scrolles the input text horizonally (in DOS! MASM 16bit)

You should study the DOS / BIOS interrupts to do scrolling.


I DO have acode which I have created but it's to big... approx 1k only the scrolling! (of course with the backspace, insert (which doesn't delete text but inserts text inside the string, home and the end options).

I am Looking for a better and smaller code (maybe?)


1K, how awful!  Really, that is large, just being funny.  I will search my old libraries.  I have lots of the like.



Ya I know.....

but I created a new code of getting strings from the user (not via INT's) and also I wrote code which directly writes to the video buffer and some more nice features

May be because of this the size is 1k but nontheless I am looking a better code



What about the second question which I asked?