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Libraries and Inc.'s

Started by canuter, November 22, 2010, 05:17:42 AM

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Hello everyone,

how should someone go about adding their own libraries into the MASM32 linker and assembler? I have a library, Irvine32.lib, to be added into the assembler. I also have the include file for it, I have placed the include file in C:\masm32\include and the library file in C:\masm32\lib. The program I am trying to assembly has the line include \masm32\include\ It loads the file fine but when I try to use the function DumpRegs it gives me an error that it could not be found, the function that is. Here is the include file,
; Include file for Irvine32.lib             (

;----Removed in favor of --Abe
;INCLUDE ; MS-Windows prototypes, structures, and constants


; Last update: 1/27/02

; Procedure Prototypes
ClrScr PROTO ; clear the screen
Crlf PROTO ; output carriage-return / linefeed
Delay PROTO ; delay for n milliseconds
DumpMem PROTO ; display memory dump
DumpRegs PROTO ; display register dump
GetCommandTail PROTO ; get command-line string
GetDateTime PROTO, ; get system date and time
startTime:PTR QWORD
GetMseconds PROTO ; get milliseconds past midnight
Gotoxy PROTO
IsDigit PROTO ; return ZF=1 if AL is a decimal digit
Randomize PROTO ; reseed random number generator
RandomRange PROTO ; generate random integer in specified range
Random32 PROTO ; generate 32-bit random integer
ReadInt PROTO ; read signed integer from console
ReadChar PROTO ; reach single character from console
ReadHex PROTO ; read hexadecimal integer from console
ReadString PROTO ; read string from console
SetTextColor PROTO ; set console text color
WaitMsg PROTO ; display wait message, wait for Enter key
WriteBin PROTO ; write integer to output in binary format
WriteChar PROTO ; write single character to output
WriteDec PROTO ; write unsigned decimal integer to output
WriteHex PROTO ; write hexadecimal integer to output
WriteInt PROTO ; write signed integer to output
WriteString PROTO ; write null-terminated string to output

; Copy a source string to a target string.
Str_copy PROTO,
source:PTR BYTE,
target:PTR BYTE

; Return the length of a null-terminated string..
Str_length PROTO,
pString:PTR BYTE

; Compare string1 to string2. Set the Zero and
; Carry flags in the same way as the CMP instruction.
Str_compare PROTO,
string1:PTR BYTE,
string2:PTR BYTE

; Trim a given trailing character from a string.
; The second argument is the character to trim.
Str_trim PROTO,
pString:PTR BYTE,

; Convert a null-terminated string to upper case.
Str_ucase PROTO,
pString:PTR BYTE

; Standard 4-bit color definitions
black        = 0000b
blue         = 0001b
green        = 0010b
cyan         = 0011b
red          = 0100b
magenta      = 0101b
brown        = 0110b
lightGray    = 0111b
gray         = 1000b
lightBlue    = 1001b
lightGreen   = 1010b
lightCyan    = 1011b
lightRed     = 1100b
lightMagenta = 1101b
yellow       = 1110b
white        = 1111b

It has some built in functions I would like to use. I am extremely new to the assembly programming language and low-level languages in general. Any help would be appreciated greatly, regards, Canute.


If you are trying to combine the irvine32 library with the MASM32 assembler, linker, and import libraries, I recommend that you just put your source and the irvine32 components all in a working directory somewhere and do everything from there. Here is the source for a minimal test:

call DumpRegs
end start

And a batch file to assemble and link, and run the resulting program:

set file="test"
if exist %file%.obj del %file%.obj
if exist %file%.exe del %file%.exe
set lib=c:\masm32\lib
set path=c:\masm32\bin
ml /c /coff %file%.asm
Link %file%.obj irvine32.lib kernel32.lib /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE

The kernel32 import library is always required. Depending on what function calls the source makes other import libraries may be required (for example, user32 or msvcrt).
eschew obfuscation


I would advise against combining the two libraries as you may end up with conflicts between them but there is no reason why you cannot have both and include them on a needs basis to get the functions you require. MASM easily handles more than 1 library so its no big deal.
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Ahhh thank you both so much! What I ended up doing was editing the makeit.bat file so thank you!